Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Phase One Foods to Eat and Avoid

Phase One (approved foods)
Meat (grass-fed/organic is best)
*Beef                                    *Chicken
*Lamb                                  *Duck
*Venison                             *Chicken/Turkey bacon (no nitrates and organic is best)

*Salmon                              *Whitefish                                                              *Mackerel
*Tuna                                  *Canned Tuna, or Salmon in spring water             *Sole
*Scrod                                 *Halibut                                                                              
*Haddock                            *Cod
*Trout                                  *Grouper
*Pompano                           *Mahi Mahi
*Orange roughy                  *Wahoo
*Snapper                            *Tilapia
*Herring                             *Sea Bass

Organic chicken, or duck eggs (whole with yolk)

Goat’s milk yogurt (plain)
Homemade kefir from goats milk (see book)
Soft goats milk cheese (see book)
Goat’s milk hard cheese
Sheep’s milk hard cheese

Fats and Oils (organic is best)
Oil, butter (ghee)
Extra Virgin coconut oil (best for cooking)
Extra Virgin olive oil (not best for cooking, seasoning)
Flaxseed oil (not for cooking)
Hempseed Oil (not for cooking)
Goat’s milk butter
Raw cow’s milk butter, grass-fed (not for cooking)
Expeller pressed sesame oil
Coconut milk/cream (canned)

Veggies (organic fresh or frozen is best)
*Almost everything, see avoidance list

Beans and legumes
(Small amount of miso paste for soup broth

Nuts and Seeds (organic, raw, or soaked is best)
*Almonds                                                       *Pumpkinseed butter
*Hempseed                                                     *Flaxseed
*Sunflower seeds                                           *Almond butter
*Pumpkin seeds                                              *Tahini, sesame butter
*Sunflower butter

*Salsa (fresh or canned)                                *Tomato sauce (no added sugar)
*Guacamole (fresh)                                       *Unsulphured Apple Cider Vinegar (Braggs)
*Celtic sea salt, himilayian salt                     *Mustard
*Herbamare seasoning                                   *Omega 3 mayo
*Umeboshi paste                                            *Soy sauce (wheat free), tamari
*Raw salad dressings and marinades (see book)
*Herbs and spices with no preservative or additives
*Pickled ginger
*Organic flavoring extracts (alcohol free is best, no sugar added, vanilla, almond, etc)

*Blueberries                                                      *Strawberries
*Blackberries                                                     *Raspberries
*Cherries                                                            *Grapefruit
*Lemons                                                             *Lime

*Purified water
*Natural  Sparkling water with no carbonation added (Perrier, etc)
*Herbal teas (prefer organic)- unsweetened or with a small amount of honey or stevia
*Raw veggies juice (carrot, or beet, max 25% of total)
*Lacto fermented beverages (see book)
*Certified organic coffee- buy whole beans, freeze them and grind them when needed, flavor with organic coconut creamer, or a small amount of honey

*Unheated, raw honey in a very small amounts (no more than 1 tbsp per day max)

*Goat’s milk protein powder (see book)

Phase One (foods to avoid)

*Pork                                                               *Ham
*Pork bacon                                                     *Sausage (pork)
*Veggies burgers                                             *Imitation meat products (soy)
*Ostrich                                                           *Emu
*Fried, breaded chicken

*Fried, breaded fish
*Avoid ALL shellfish, crab, clams, oyster, mussels, lobster, shrimp, scallops, crawfish

*Imitation eggs (egg beaters)

*Soy Milk
*Almond Milk (ok now…)
*Rice Milk
*Avoid ALL dairy products other than those listed in approved list

Fats and Oils
*Lard                                                                  *Margarine
*Shortening                                                        *Soy Oil
*Safflower Oil                                                   *Canola Oil
*Sunflower Oil                                                  *Corn Oil
*Cottonseed Oil                                                 *Anything with hydrogenated oil!!!

*White potatoes
*Sweet potatoes

Beans and legumes
*Soy beans                                                      *Tofu
*Black beans                                                  *Kidney beans
*Navy beans                                                   *White beans
*Garbanzo beans                                            *Lima Beans

Nuts and Seeds
*Honey-roasted nuts                                     *Walnuts
*Macadamia nuts                                          *Pecans
*Hazelnuts                                                    *Brazil nuts
*Peanuts                                                        *Peanut butter
*All spices, sauces, or seasoning with added sugar and, or preservatives
*Commercial ketchup with sugar
*Commercial bbq sauce with sugar

*Avoid all fruits except those listed on approved list, this includes: apples, bananas, apricots, grapes, melon, peaches, oranges, pears, dried fruits, and canned fruits

*Alcoholic beverages of all kinds               *Pop/soda
*Fruit juices                                                 *Pre-ground commercial coffee
*Chlorinated tap water

Grains and Starchy Carbs
*Avoid ALL grains and starchy foods, including bread, pasta, cereal, rice, oatmeal, pastries, and baked goods

*Sugar                                                                  *Sugar alcohol, including sorbitol and xylitol
*Heated honey                                                      *Maple syrup
*All artificial sweeteners, aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame K
*Fructose, corn syurp

*Milk or whey protein powder from cow’s milk
*Soy protein powder
*Rice Protein powder

Monday, August 20, 2012

Dr. Popper on Vaccines and So On

I just got off a conference call with Dr. Popper, owner of the Wellness Forum. She made a very valid point, "We take the time to interview a contractor prior to remodeling our home, so why wouldn't we take the time to interview pediatricians, family medical doctors and so on?" She was discussing a variety of topics relating to children's health. We opted out of all vaccines for our daughter and I will do so again for our next child. I do agree with Dr. Popper that there is a time and place for vaccines, such as, "for a child that has leukemia and is exposed to the chicken pox," but for the most part we are pushed and pressured into getting vaccines. We are provided information from the government who is scrapping in billions of dollars for these drugs, but "if children are healthy, have autoimmune issues, or are sick" than there is little evidence to support the health benefits of vaccines. And why are newborn infants getting a vaccine for 
a sexually transmitted disease? Give me a break. There are many children who consume a less than optimal diet, dairy products and animal products are a part of their regular fare, sugary foods are consumed daily, or weekly, when they should be saved for special occasions only and they are overweight, have allergies, chronic infections, depression and so on. Vaccines don't help. Some great resources:




Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic by Barbara Loe Fisher.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

You CAN Bare Children

Hi Friends! I want to add to my post from yesterday. As I mentioned, becoming a mother is a miraculous experience. Some women have been told by their doctors that they cannot bare children. Really, who says that, that's not so, because God said we can have children and we can stand on his word, "And He will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: He will also bless the fruit of the womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine... Thou shalt be blessed above all people: there shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle." Deuteronomy 7:13-15 

Miscarriage is not of God. We can conceive and carry a baby full term when we live in faith and we are in agreement with God's word, "There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfill." Exodus 23:25,26 

God blesses us with the conception of a child, so he will enable us with the ability to go into labor, without induction, without pain, without medications, without stitches and so on. 40 weeks is 40 weeks for a reason. Live in Faith!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Pregnancy Is More Than Miraculous!

Becoming a mother and being pregnant is a miraculous experience.  We have been so programmed to believe that it is a time of sickness, backache, headaches, swollen ankles and more.  We have been so programmed to believe that we will be in labor for hours upon hours and that it is very painful (why women are always screaming...).  Have you had enough?  God has another way and I did it His way with my daughter.  The nurses in the delivery room were amazed- they were calling my labor, "The Rock Star Labor" and telling me to go in to talk to the women who were screaming.  Pregnancy is supposed to be a time of health and happiness. Eve was placed under the curse of the law; women were to endure pain during childhood, but Jesus sacrificed himself for us so that we could live in health and bear children without pain.  Morning sickness, swollen ankles, long labor and pain during childbirth is not of God.  God wants us to have an amazing experience, He wants us to be healthy and to have a healthy baby, BUT, we must live in faith with Him and be in agreement with His words.  He does want us to honor Him by taking care of our bodies as well, eating right, exercising, not putting on too much weight and so on.  I did not experience the "media norms" of pregnancy because I didn't believe in them.  I reprogrammed my mind and lived in faith with God.  I stood on His word.  You can do it too!  Let me know if you need direction, or support.  Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 06, 2012

Random Thought

Fear, worry and dishonesty breed further dismay and discontent. Faith, confidence and honesty bring forth hope, happiness and blessings from above. Fear is our worst enemy. Have a great week!

Friday, August 03, 2012

Friday Light Night

Hello Friends!  It has been quite some time since I have written a, "Friday Light Night"...  I hope all is well with you, your family and friends.  What is going on- have you discovered anything new about yourself, have you made any dietary improvements, are you working out more often, are you taking any new risks to reap rewards?

I would love to hear about what's going on in your life, or answer any health related questions, or concerns that you may have.

I am in the process of sorting out the details involving the purchase of my Biomeridian machine and training.  So, so many exciting things to come my friends.  I can't wait to share my growing knowledge, thoughts, feelings and experiences with you.

It has been HOT, HOT, HOT and DRY, DRY, DRY here.  I would love to have a rainy day, or two and so would my vegetable plants!

Well, have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Transform- The Ideal Diet, Cleansing and So On

For many years I consumed what I thought was a healthy diet.  I ate fruit, vegetables and salad, but pizza, chicken wings, sausage, french fries, ice cream, dairy products and sweets were also part of my regular fare... candy, pop, or buttery popcorn at the movies... get the picture?  Boy am I never going back to that diet!  This is the standard American diet (S.A.D.): lots of processed food, fast food, soda pop, meat, meat and more meat, dairy products (milk, butter, cream cheese, sour cream...), sugary treats, sugar and caffeine laden coffee, with little consumption of whole grains, beans, rice, fruits and vegetables.  If this form of eating hasn't caught up with in some way right now, it will.  How do I know?  The China Study, Dr. T Colin Campbell, Dr. Neal Barnyard, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Pamela Popper have proven time and time again that allergies, asthma, IBS, sleep disorders, cancer and disease, are for the most part, but not limited to, our diet and lifestyle choices and the things we put in our mouth.  Most Americans have health related issues that they have come to think are the norm like allergies, memory loss, IBS, sinus issues, the need for a midday, or early afternoon nap and more, but these are all red flags.  Wake up- It's time to get healthy!

I am feeling so, incredibly amazing, so I feel extra inspired.  We are also expecting our second baby, so I am looking forward to writing some articles on my amazing experience with my pregnancy and labor with our daughter.  Faith + mind over matter.  My mind and heart is in the right place, my faith is at the forefront of everything, I can't possibly have more energy, or I think I could fly to the moon without a rocket, I'm working out 1st thing in the morning, I'm loving life, loving my hubby, my daughter, my family, my friends, getting projects done around the house and so, so ready to really start making some lifestyle transformations.  I am also preparing to purchase a high-tech Biomeridian machine and undergo training, which will enable me to test for a variety of health related issues. 

Some of my family members and friends think I am nuts.  While some of them continue to eat hot dogs, potato chips, cookies, ice cream, drink dairy milk, eat meat 2-3 times a day, drink alcohol everyday, don't exercise, allow stressful situations to get the best of them and so on and they have health related issues, aches and pains, headaches and they are tired all the time.  It took 15, or so years for Dr. Popper's family to listen to her, so I guess I have to be patient.  It took 24, or so years for me to start paying attention to the things I was putting into my body and on my body, so again, I guess I have to be patient.

A very small portion of our genes are responsible for our health outcomes.  That means we have the upper hand.  We are in control by a whopping 97-98% my friends!  Foods are addictive and eating something simply because it tastes good is not justification for eating unhealthy foods.
We can become addicted to meat and fatty foods just as easily as someone can become addicted to sugary, or salty foods.  These foods set off the dopamine receptors in our brains, a survival mechanism, so again, think before you put "that" into your mouth.  Is the food you are consuming nutrient dense?  If not, throw it in the trash and stop wasting your money on food that is just going to make you and your family sick.

There is nothing healthy about any form of dairy: raw, cultured yogurt, organic milk, or yogurt, cottage cheese, you name it.  Dairy is perfect for baby cows, but not for humans.  Cows reach their optimal weight within a year, whereas we reach our optimal weight by the time we are around 18.  Dairy products (whey, casein, milk, yogurt, butter, sour cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese, you name it) have not only been linked to cancer, but other health related issues such as Crohn's disease, allergies in children (when the mother consumes it while pregnant, via breastmilk, via formula and when the child consumes it, especially at an early age), colic in babies and much more.

Oils are not health foods.  Oils are not found in nature.  They are concentrated, liquid fats my friends.  1 tablespoon of any oil has approximately 14 grams of fat.  When we strip the oil from the olive we lose the fiber, the antioxidants, the phytochemicals, the vitamins and minerals and so on.  Stick to the whole food and ditch the oil, all of them.

Meat, fish and eggs can be consumed 2-3 times a week, assuming there are no major existing health issues like Crohn's disease, fibromyalgia, or cancer, but it should be organic. Meat does not contain any fiber, which is necessary to remove waste and toxins from the body via the colon.  It does not contain antioxidants, or phytochemicals.  The World Health Organization established protein needs to be around 2.5% of one's daily calories, so most Americans are consuming much, much more than that on a daily basis.  We can obtain 2.5% of our daily protein calories from plant based foods.  We do not need to consume meat to obtain all essential amino acids.

Sugar is highly addictive, it promotes unhealthy intestinal bacteria and there are no vitamins, or minerals in sugary foods.  I am referring to high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, agave nectar, sugar alcohols, aspartame and so on.

Despite popular belief, caffeine is not a health food.  It's a highly addictive drug, it can cause adrenal exhaustion, the bowels can become reliant on it, as it is a diuretic causing a laxative effect, it is very acidic, so it can create inflammation in the body.  A study in the February 2008 issue of Diabetes Care reflected that it was potentially increasing blood sugar levels.

Processed foods: potato chips, boxed potatoes, ramen noodles, frozen dinners, juice, Little Debbie's, cereal and pasta, just to name a few, are all processed foods.  While some of these items, like whole grain pasta and 100% whole grain breads, are o.k. every so often, most processed foods need to be eliminated from the diet.  Despite the organic, or natural label, processed foods do not contain digestive enzymes, which help break down our food and they are also "fortified" by the manufacture with vitamins and minerals, vs. containing naturally occuring vitamins and minerals in the whole food (like rice, or vegetables).

A plant based diet, like the one mentioned in the China Study, by Dr. T Colin Campbell, or like the one mentioned in the documentary Forks Over Knives, or like the one mentioned by the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine have been proven to prevent and reverse allergies, arthritis, Crohn's disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight problems, infertility, skin conditions, digestive ailments and cancer.  To name a few...

A diet based on filtered water, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, corn, and potatoes/sweet potatoes promotes optimal health, provides all of the essential vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, carbohydrates, phytochemicals, antioxidants and fiber that one would need.  The ONLY time supplements would be consumed is under the direction of a qualified health practitioner and those supplements would most likely be consumed on a temporary basis to restore health.

I constantly talk to and see so many people wasting their money on protein powder, vitamin and mineral supplements, cleanses and more.  Isolated vitamin and mineral supplements have scientifically been shown time and time again to have little benefit on the body, while potentially causing more harm than good and many vitamin and mineral supplements have processed ingredients like food coloring and synthetic vitamins.  Dr. Neal Barnyard, Dr. T Colin Campbell, Dr. Caldwell Esselsytn, Dr. Pamela Popper have all done extensive research on the use of multivitamins and supplements and they continue to report that there is little evidence to support the benefits of supplements. The manufacture's are the only ones that benefit when they rake in the money from all the sales on their products.

While I do believe in the benefits of a good cleansing program, I strongly believe that one should consult with a qualified health practiotioner prior to doing a so-called cleanse and that one should be tested to determine what type of cleanse, or supplement would be most suitable for their body (Biomeridian Testing).  Cleansing programs assist the body in cleaning out the GI tract by reducing demands on the colon, toxins are cleansed from the liver, kidneys, blood and so on and unhealthy food addictions are broken. There are, however, many, many cleanses that can do more harm than good.  Losing a large sum of weight all at once can cause a surge of toxins to filter throughout the body causing a plethora of temporary, but annoying health related issues like fatigue and constipation and a variety of organs can undergo more stress than they would normally be capable of handling.  Some cleanses contain harmful ingredients, preservatives, food coloring and additives.  Many cleanses recommend taking a multivitamin/multimineral supplement, protein powder, or something else of the sort to assist in the cleanse and restore health, but again, some of these products contain harmful ingredients, they are not warranted, or they are simply a waste of money.  

I am here to answer your questions, I am here to address your concerns, I am here to educate you, I am here as your friend.  I realize that I may not being going through, or experiencing some of the lifestyle challenges that you are experiencing, I realize I may not have the health related conditions that you have, I realize that if you are overweight and that I am of normal weight you may feel I cannot relate to you, or potentially understand how difficult it may be to take weight off, but please, please, don't allow our potential differences to keep you from transforming your life and your health today.  Let's get started on your transformation.  God Bless!

Reliable Resources:




Stopping Cancer at the Source by M. Sara Rosenthal Ph.D.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


If you have not encountered this already, you may come to find out that when you transform your own health and begin to live an optimal lifestyle that the people you thought would support you and follow you are actually very critical and doubtful of your choices.  Well, it's very difficult to understand the benefits of eating a plant-based diet, exercising and so on if you are unwilling to listen and learn about the years of scientific research that lies at hand.  Risk = Reward.

The most successful people are successful for very simple reasons.  They put their faith first.  Everything and I mean everything is in God's hands and the second we trust in this is the second our lives are transformed. They eliminate the word can't from their vocabulary and know that they can.

We are in control, mind over matter.  I have been around people who have convinced themselves that they are going to catch a cold every November, around Thanksgiving, and they do, I have been around people who are having a rough start to the day and all they do is talk about it and think about and by the end of they day they have a horrible headache, are super tired and they are very aggravated, I have been around people who complain and whine and think about all the negative things in their lives, their aches and pains and all of the things that are going wrong vs. the things that are going right.... You see, we are so programmed into believing and thinking a certain way.  We have been fed so much garbage over the years too.  We have to renew our minds and change our way of thinking.  Successful people see themselves being powerful, confident, prosperous, healthy, safe and blessed before it even happens and they believe in it with every thread of their bodies.  They are positive and optimistic.  They smile and love life.

Pick up some inspirational books: Who Moved My Cheese, Destination Success, The Choice and 360 Leader are just a few.

I am working on a health transformation project for my mother.  Aside from my wonderful husband, she has been so supportive and understanding while I made many diet and lifestyle changes over the years.  She has supported my business and believed in me.  Now it is her turn to reap the benefits of dietary and lifestyle changes.  It is time for a transformation.  I'm so excited!  Stay tuned...

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

It's been a while friends.  I have been so busy.  I have been working to find a location to perform Biomeridian testing and praying about whether, or not to continue writing my own nutrition, or the option to partner up with a trusted doctor friend.  God has blessed me, inspired me, motivated me and used me in so many ways that it only makes sense to write my own program.  I pray that I am a blessing to Him, my family and friends and to you and yours.

And with that said... Happy 4th of July! So many thoughts going through my head today... great morning- up at 5:30am for a run and yoga, panera whole grain bagels for breakfast (a treat here) and off to grandma and grandpas to hang out at the pool!  I start every morning with prayer, thanking God for all the things I have and asking for all his blessings for my family and friends.  I listen to 104.9 locally too and this morning they had a great quote, "Start every day thinking positively and think about what can go right." Don't think negatively, or about what could go wrong. Live in faith- fear is our worst enemy. God bless to you and yours- all our love! Have a great day!   


Thursday, June 07, 2012

Do Your Research Cont...

This was a follow up comment from a relative regarding my post last evening, along with my response...

Follow Up Comment- I agree with some of what you say but if my dad would have had a colonoscopy his cancer could have been prevented from at least showing up there, that is to say if it was not in his liver already, but we will never know for sure.

My Response- Dear Grandpa... I was 21 when we lost him to colon cancer... watching him suffer through everything really opened my eyes. It was from that point on that I knew, without a doubt that I wanted to do something health related. "The July 28 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association featured a commentary by two researchers at Columbia University Medical Center who question the use of colonoscopy as a screening tool. Drs. Alfred I. Neugut and Benjamin Lebwohl state that research shows that colonoscopy is not any better for preventing deaths from colon cancer than other less invasive methods such as sigmoidoscopy." Colonoscopies miss approximately 40% of the polyps, there are risks with the fluids ingested that are used prior to the procedures and tears can occur in the colon during the procedure. "...a new Canadian study, the results of which appear in the Annals of Internal Medicine,* has now determined that the test misses almost all cancers in the right side of the colon, where about 40% of cancers develop." Colonoscopies miss flat polyps. A high fiber diet, low in animal based foods, with the elimination of dairy and oils can prevent colon and many other types of cancer. This is thoroughly revealed in the China Study. Our genes only play a 2-3% role in the outcome of our health. Most people that are diagnosed with some form of cancer do not consume an optimal diet. If dietary changes are made and they seek out the right type of care, keeping in mind that the stage of the cancer does matter as well, almost all forms of cancer are reversible.

http://www.wellnessforum.com/HealthBriefs/Library: Colonoscopies May Not Be Effective Volume 16 8/24/10 & Lack of Efficacy for Colonoscopies Volume 13

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Do Your Research

I went to a health intensive event this weekend and heard some very interesting, yet not surprising stories.  One gentlemen was told by his M.D. that he needed a bone marrow transplant.  After exploring the benefit, or downside to the traditional approach vs. alternative methods he came to find out that there was no benefit to the traditional approach, 0%.  He went back to his M.D. and told him what he had discovered and the M.D.'s response was, "I know that you don't need a bone marrow transplant, but it's better to do it while you are younger than older."  A women was recently diagnosed with Osteo Angina.  After doing her own research she took the information back to her M.D.  Her research revealed that the condition was totally BOGUS and that the government agreed that it was totally bogus.  The M.D. was totally floored, asked to make copies of the stack of research and said that she needed to share it with her colleagues and interns.  Who was the doctor?  My friends, it pays off to be informed vs. ignorant.  It is down right dangerous to simply trust a nurse, or doctor.  While they could be informed and knowledgeable, it does not hurt to do your own scientific research.  The skin care products you use, the food you eat, everything.  Make sure the sites, studies and references are legit.  The only way to prevent all health related conditions from allergies to cancer is to eat a plant based diet, exercise regularly, get some sunshine, sleep and reduce stress.  There is more evidence supporting that colonoscopies, mammograms and PSA tests, etc, are worthless.  God forbid, if I was in a horrible car accident and my limbs were detached I would want to have all the modern medical treatments available, otherwise, I have 98% control of my health.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ode To My Hubby And So On

I feel moved to write about my hubby tonight.  He is simply the most amazing man and I am so blessed to have him in my life, as my husband.  He believes in me, he supports me and my decisions, he allows me to teach him all that I learn and know, he understands me and supports the healthy decisions that I make for my family, my loved ones and our friends, he is open minded and willing to listen to all that I am learning, he walks the walk and talks the talk, he provides for us, he is compassionate, funny, handsome, loving, a hard worker and a dreamer with goals to follow... the list goes on and on.

I have invested the last 6-7 years of my life changing my mind, changing the things I put into my mouth and the things I put onto my body (I don't put anything in my mouth- for the most part, that I wouldn't put in my body), changing the way I live, I have researched and studied, I have reached out and grabbed, I have frustrated and created happiness, I have empowered and motivated, I have inspired and conquered, I have fallen and risen, I have been tried and tested and I have stuck it all out to see the sunlight.  Good things are coming.

Today, I told my wonderful hubby, "I'm ready to move to Chicago," and he replied, "Let's go!"  Chicago currently houses the closest school enabling me to obtain my Ph.D. in the field of naturopathic medicine.  I have heard that a school may open in Ohio sometime over the 3-5 years enabling me to become a naturopathic doctor.  This is on my timeline... it may be something I truly pursue in the near future.

To many people I am "Just Jennie", but to others I am "Jennie, a go-to person when you are feeling tired, your skin is breaking out, your back hurts, your bowels are slow, you have high blood pressure, you have allergies, you have sleep issues, etc...a scientifically backed expert in the field of natural approaches to health and wellness."

Some of the simplest decisions you make in your life may in fact have the biggest impacts on your health and the health of your loved ones.  What you put into your mouth, the products you put onto your body, the items that you use to clean your home, the supplements and/or drugs that you consume, the people you associate with (you typically become who you associate with), stress levels, physical activity, the vaccines you receive, the water you drink... all of these things and more influence your health and how you feel everyday.  To many people, I may be full of crap, but it's practically impossible to be so when you can back up everything you say with a preponderance of scientific information- Ignorance is bliss!

Let me say it again... my husband supports me and believes in me and I love him more than he will ever know.  He doesn't make me feel like, "Just Jennie", but something much greater.  He pushes me and drives me to do what I am passionate about and to change the world one person at a time and one day at a time.

I love you!  Thank you!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Comparing Breastfeeding to Formula Feeding

Breastfeeding Benefits
-Breasts make milk for a reason
-Breastfeeding for at least the 1st yr
-Protective antibodies
-Breastmilk changes with infants needs and growth patterns
-Natural protection against gastrointestinal illnesses and issues
-Protection from allergies, asthma, ear infections, colds, flus, diabetes and constipation
-For every 87 deaths from sids, only 3 are breastfed
-Special proteins, only in human milk, allow the child to develop a higher IQ level
-Reduces risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cancer, etc
-Reduces stress of the mother and child, creates emotional balance
-Creates a bonding relationship between child and mother
-Milk coats and protects the digestive tract from harmful bacteria
-Reduced risk of obesity through life
-Hospitalization is 10 times less during the 1st year vs. formula fed children
-Breastmilk can kill off salmonella, streptococcus, e.coli and pneumococcus, etc
-Assists the uterus in contracting back to its normal, prepregnancy size
-Reduced risk of cancer to the mother
-Burns 400-1,000 calories a day assiting the mother to return to her normal weight 
-Delays return of fertility, natural conception protection
-Moms and babies are healthier, less trips to the doctors, saves money, etc
-Would save approximately 33 million a year if WIC babies were breastfed
-U.S. spends approximately 1 billion a year on ear infections... can be
prevented and treated naturally
-Breastfeeding reduces pollution- no need to manufacture, sell & toss out artificial milk
-Don't have to warm up breastmilk
-Aside from the mothers dietary choices during pregnancy, best nutritional start and
protection life can provide
-Can easily breastfeed anywhere, anytime

Formula Feeding (comparing to the above benefits of breastfeeding)
-Child is adopted & breastfeeding is not an option
-Mother is not producing any breast milk
-$1,500-$2,000 a year
-No protective antibodies
-Formulas are man made, providing chosen nutrients
-Processed milk may not be as protective
-Little to no protection
-Formula is far from being the perfect food
-Needs to be warmed up
-Need warm water, bottles, formula, water, etc

Great Resources:

Monday, April 09, 2012

Formula By Prescription Only

Breasts were created for two reasons: to breastfeed milk, nourish, protect and provide comfort to a child for so long as the mother and child are willing to breastfeed (typically 1-5 years) and for appearance reasons, or to attract the member of the opposite sex, a man.

In my opinion, the only reason a mother should "choose" not to breastfeed is if the child is adopted and she is unable to do so and if for some reason the mother is unable to produce breastmilk.  The health of the mother 6 months to a year prior to conception, the dietary choices and lifestyle choices during pregnancy and after birth all assist in the production of a healthy milk supply in the mother.

Dairy needs to be eliminated from every diet, as it promotes a tremendous amount of health issues: diabetes, allergies, weakened immune strength, cancer, crohn's disease, celiac disease, etc... There are numerous credible books and articles written on dairy and the fact that we as humans were not designed to consume it.

It is my opinion that formula should be available by prescription only and it should not be a dairy based formula, but plant based.  I remember attending MY FIRST pregnancy visit when I was pregnant with my daughter.  During that visit I received a free Similac bag with a formula sample.  I also received additional information and coupons on a variety of other formulas.  After the birth of my daughter I again received a bag with formula samples and information.  Wow- so misleading and confusing to an expecting mother who does not know the benefits of breastfeeding vs. formula feeding.  I was so very thankful that I knew the benefits of breastfeeding vs. formula feeding and there was no way in the world that I was going to feed my baby cow's milk!

Below I have attached a paper that I wrote while obtaining my degree in the field of natural health.  I was going to cut things out here and there and I decided just to post the entire article....

Despite the culture, country or religion of a woman, mother-nature intended for
women to breastfeed their babies.  Aristotle stated it best, “There is a reason behind
everything in nature.” (pg 15)  The obvious reason to breastfeed is based upon the abundant scientific evidence that clearly shows how mother’s milk is best.  We also cannot dismiss the numerous benefits provided to the baby during childhood and adulthood.  For many years there has been controversy over breast feeding vs. formula feeding.  Working mothers decide whether or not they will breast feed or bottle feed their children.  The decision should be simple if they base their decisions on the facts and value the health of their child and the health of their own bodies.
            Years ago, women did not have an option as to whether or not they would
breastfeed.  It was a natural and un-thought of process.  The turn of the 20th
century provided the ability to refrigerate, pasteurize and modify cow’s milk for infant
consumption.  The world welcomed the birth of formula and mothers lost out on the
emotional, intellectual and physical enjoyment with their baby.  The lactation process causes the uterus to contract, shrinking it back to its normal size at a faster rate.  It also allows the mother to burn a hefty amount of calories so she can return to a normal weight.  “Human milk for human babies,” says it all.
The milk of each kind of mammal is unique in order to specifically support its
young.  Human milk contains around 100 ingredients that are not found in cow’s
milk and it is the only milk that contains enzymes to aid in digestion.  In fact, human milk contains so many different properties that it is still not full understood by scientists today.  The protein found in human milk is 100% absorbable by the baby, whereas only 50% or less of the protein in cow’s milk is absorbable.  Furthermore, cow’s milk is not easily passed through the baby’s digestive tract.  A calf doubles its weight in 50 days and is consuming milk with a base of 3.4% protein.  A human baby, however, doubles its weight in 150 days and is consuming breast milk with a base of 1% protein.  Humans produce a less concentrated milk, therefore babies feed more often.  Human milk also contains more carbohydrates than any other milk and is therefore the baby’s main source of energy.  To date, there is no evidence stating that a baby has ever had an allergic reaction to breast milk.  Research does prove that there are unlimited health benefits to breast feeding. 
When a mother chooses to consume a healthy diet during pregnancy and breastfeed her baby, the baby tends to enjoy healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables. They initially develop a familiarity of taste and scent via the amniotic fluid, and this is later enhanced through the mother’s breast milk.  Formula-fed babies miss out on this huge advantage.  Breastfed babies have fewer visits to the doctor’s office for common ailments such as diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders, rashes, respiratory infections and illness.  When they do happen to become ill it is less severe, and they recover faster.  The American Academy of Pediatrics shows that breastfed babies may have increased bone density, enhanced vision and neurological advantages, less risk for various diseases in adulthood, and a lower risk for bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma during childhood. The milk contains immunoglobulin, which is an antibody against pathogens.  These antibodies line the baby's respiratory and intestinal surfaces to form a protective barrier against bacteria and viruses.  This is yet another benefit of which formula-fed babies lose out.
            Some mothers have a difficult time breastfeeding and resort to bottle feeding.
Formula-fed babies grow differently than breastfed babies—they grow longer and fatter and develop bigger and heavier bones in the 1st year due to a larger supply of calcium in cow’s milk.  As a result, they grow faster than mother-nature intends, which is not necessarily good.  Babies that are breastfed typically have higher cholesterol levels than those that consume formula.  Studies suggest that higher levels of cholesterol early in life may aid in the ability to metabolize cholesterol better during adulthood.  Research also states that the earlier an infant is exposed to cow’s milk the greater the risk of developing allergies and numerous other health issues in the future.
Health care experts project that if mothers were to breastfeed for just 12 weeks after pregnancy, the infant mortality rate would decline by almost 5%.  Furthermore, not a single manufacturer will state that formula is better than or as beneficial as breast milk.  The Industries’ goals are clearly not in favor of the mother and child; rather, their priorities lie with the bottom-line.  Speaking from experience as a previous employee of one of the largest formula manufactures of formula, the primary message is, “Sell, Sell, Sell!” with little mention of formula’s inferiority to mothers milk.  This is best described with the following excerpt from Milk, Money, and Madness, “It was no longer a goal to produce solely for sick infants or for times when mothers milk was not available; the goal grew to producing a product that could replace mothers milk on every square inch of the globe.”  (Pg. 113) 
Today, many busy moms, otherwise capable of breastfeeding, unwisely and/or selfishly choose formula over breastfeeding.  A mother’s complications with breast feeding are sometimes a direct result of a poor diet and/or a lack of exercise.   This problem is further exacerbated by the formula Industry’s move to provide product samples to local OBGYN offices for distribution to expectant mothers, which creates an “either-or” decision instead of an “in case of” solution.   Long before expectant mothers have had the opportunity to research the benefits of breast feeding they are inundated with mail coupons and advertisements for formula as well as the “latest and greatest” product samples.  Mothers are misled and suckered into the lie.  The health benefits associated with breastfeeding are clear and scientifically proven.  In a perfect world formula companies would start investing their money in educating mothers on the importance of breastfeeding and achieving optimal lifestyle habits rather than ignorantly persuading all mothers to feed their babies unsuitable milk. 

Eiger M.D., S.E., & Olds, S.W.  (1999).  The complete book of breastfeeding.   
New York:  Workman.
Baumslag M.D. M.P.H., N., & Michels, D. (1995).  Milk, money, and madness: The culture and politics of breastfeeding. Connecticut:  Bergin & Garvey.  

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter

I hope that you, your family and friends had a blessed Easter.  Our Easter was a little different... we went out to dinner and I will say that we will most likely never do it again.  There is something about cooking your own food, those special dishes you may only have around the holidays and there is nothing like enjoying them with the fam.

Take care and have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Light Night 3/30/12

...just checking in tonight.  It was so nice to dive back in to my site over the last couple of days and to get a couple of meaningful posts on here.  I hope all is well with you and yours and that you have a wonderful weekend.

Easter is fast approaching, so remember, as always, there are always ways to make our favorite dishes healthier.  Instead of cooking with sugar, use honey, stevia, coconut sugar, or sucanaut for sweetening.

Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full.  It is just as important to eat when we are hungry, eat slowly and chew our food well and to stop eating when we are full as it is to eat healthy, nourishing foods.

Take care!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


My baby brother got married yesterday.... what a breathtaking and captivating day.  It seemed like every song that came on the radio Friday made me think of him and his finance` and brought me tears of joy.  I thought back to all of the wonderful memories that I had with him, how much he had truly grown up, how he had become such an amazing and admirable man and how happy I was to know that he met a wonderful woman who has filled his heart with love and joy.

I have thought about them non-stop today!!!  I am so, so very anxious to talk with them to recap their wedding day and find out what they did today.  How exciting!!!!  I think everyone should renew their vows every 5 years and throw a big party.  It is too much fun to do once every 50 years- ha!

Congratulations to my brother and my new sister-in-law!  I love you!  

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Light Night 3/23/12

My baby brother is getting married tomorrow.  I can't believe it.  It seems like just yesterday that I was holding him in my arms, teaching him how to walk, how to ride his bike and letting him take my brand new car to homecoming!

It's an un-explainable feeling... most certainly a joyous feeling, but he's my "baby brother"... he is walking down the aisle to profess his faith and love to his dear fiance`.  He is an amazing, grown man now.

I am so happy that he found that one person who can fill his heart with love and joy.  I pray that they take care of each other, love unselfishly and live a long life filled with blessings of health, happiness, prosperity and security.

Whether he likes it, or not, he will always be my little brother.  Smiles...  I am so honored to be his sister and wouldn't trade a thing in the world for him.  I am proud of him and wish him all the best that life has to offer.

I love you brother- here's to you!
Jennie  xoxo

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Light Night 3/16/12

Hi Friends!  It has been a while.  I try to get on here at least once a week.  I have been remodeling my home, being a mom, writing my nutrition program and trying to find time to enjoy life.

Martha Stewart's organizing magazine has been my bible for the past few weeks.  I also love getting my Whole Living magazine in the mail.  The magazine has little advertisements and it takes a very balanced approach towards natural and healthy living.

I have managed to get up around 5am to hit the gym and it feels great!  It's amazing how getting up early and doing something for yourself, particularly something that you enjoy, can set you up for a great day.  So try it....make it a goal to get up 30-60 minutes earlier and do some yoga, hit the gym, have some tea and catch up on some reading.  You may find that going to bed around 10-11 helps you get up a little earlier too... maybe even without an alarm!  Yes, really....

Hope to chat more soon- Jen

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Light Night 2/24/12

GET ORGANIZED!  We are in the process of remodeling our home.  I am anxious to start and finish everything up, as I love a clean, neat and organized home.

As I have grown older, I have come to realize that less is more!  My hubby, with all the love and respect towards him in the world, likes to keep things around, "Just in case."  Sure, there are some things that you truly need to keep around, but there are other things that you just need to ditch.  I know I am not the only one that has felt this way, but I feel that useless items sitting around attract a negative energy.  There is also little joy in looking at something that's just, "sitting there" taking up space.  

I know you have heard it before... if you have something that has the tags on it, something that hasn't been used in a year, or two, something that has no meaning, or value to you then it may be time to part ways with it.  Sell it, or donate it and you may find that wonderful things start happening to you.

When you know where things are, things have a place, a meaning, a use and you are not living in clutter, you will feel more relaxed, free, cozy and you may even find that wealth attracts itself to you.  I recently heard Suze Orman mention something along the lines, "If you respect your money and you respect your things, money will attract itself to you."

I just picked up Martha Stewart's special edition magazine on organizing... maybe it will help you get started on a new home and a new you!  Feel the freedom!  Take care.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Friday Light Night 2/19/12

Hello Friends!  I am sorry that I was not able to touch base with you over the last couple of days.  I have been super busy.  My little one came down with a cold Thursday night, so she had me occupied for 24 hours.

It's absolutely amazing... if you can hit a virus, or a bacterial infection when the symptoms first appear you can greatly reduce the length of the illness and the severity.  I utilize both homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies to boost and support the immune system.  I make my own remedies too.  We keep homemade elderberry syrup on hand and an echinacea wellness syrup that can address a variety of symptoms.

Well... back to making my vegetable soup.  I just wanted to check in to say hi!  E-mail with your questions, or concerns.  We can discuss a variety of things!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope you had a great day!  I made organic dark chocolate brownies with flax instead of egg, pumpkin instead of oil and I threw in some strawberries.  Yummy and healthy!  There are always healthier ways to "treat" yourself!  

How did you spend your day, did you find a way to make a healthier "treat"?  

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday Light Night 2/11/12

...on Saturday!  I recently watched a couple of documentaries.  I watched "May I Be Frank" and "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead".  After watching these I began to reflect on my diet.  Even someone like myself who consumes an optimal, plant-based diet can consider all of the things that I am putting in my body.

Am I eating the best I can?  Am I feeding my family the most nourishing food that I can?  Am I appreciative for the food that I have to eat?  Those are just some of the thoughts that went through my head.  And you know what... some people would say there is always room for improvement, but I am not quite sure that I feel that way at this point in my life.  I know there are benefits to eating raw foods and I do believe that they need to be incorporated in our daily fare, but I don't agree with raw foodists that one needs to consume a strictly raw diet to achieve optimal health.  I eat a diet rich in whole foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, tofu and tempeh, plant based milks and sweet treats are saved for holidays, or special occasions.  Some food is cooked, some food is not cooked.

You will always find yourself stumbling upon a new book, a new video, a new doctor, some new information that may create a reflection period.  You may choose to make new changes, new improvements, or you may just stick with what you are doing.

Keep learning, grab a hold of change and run with it.  If you learn to accept that change is inevitable it will be so much easier to succumb to it when it arrives.

Friday, February 03, 2012

Friday Light 2/3/12

It is much, much easier to change your diet and lifestyle than it is to succumb to arthritis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer... you name it.  It is very expensive to be sick.

Meat, dairy products (cheese, sour cream, butter, cream cheese, ice cream, etc) oils and soda products, in particular, are very expensive in comparison to beans, potatoes, rice, vegetables, water, fruit and whole grains.  You will notice that once you've adopted a plant based diet that your grocery bill will go down dramatically.

I love experimenting with new dishes.  You truly learn to appreciate food for it's many textures, complexities and flavors...

Take charge of your health TODAY.  Right Now!  It is never too late!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Light Night 1/27/12

What can I say?  January is nearing an end, the winter weather has been anything but wintry... 60 one day and 35 the next, everyone is so busy that getting together with family and friends seems to get harder and harder, children are obese and why, I am so tired of seeing commercials for a drug that can treat constipation,  depression, high cholesterol, blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, etc, when everything is reversible with diet, vaccines are unnecessary, yoga rocks and so on.

We have a long way to go, but we will radically change the face of health and nutrition over the next 10 years.

God Bless- have a great weekend!