Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Think Like God

Have you thought about what you are thinking about?  When you wake in the morning do you sometimes find it challenging to be optimistic?  I realize that it may sound completely awkward to most people to, "Pay Attention To What You Are Thinking About."  If you are a believer, then you should be thinking like God.  I am still learning myself!  I heard Joyce Meyer talking today, so I thought I would recap some of her thoughts...

Your thoughts affect your entire walk through this journey called life, your thoughts affect your relationship with God and with others.  While others may form opinions about you God will NEVER have a bad thought about you, or if you are going to change things in your life.  God ONLY sees the possibilities for you and your life!  Isn't that great news?

Our behavior is a product of our thoughts.  We have all made mistakes.  We are not perfect, but our sins have been washed clean and our spirits have been renewed. We can live our lives in faith and get our relationship right with God.  What we do, or do not do does not determine who were are in Christ.  We can change and we can learn new things all the time.  We can be what we say we believe.

Do you like yourself?  We need to have a good relationship with ourselves.  Are you trying to be someone you are not?  God won't help you do that.

Spiritual maturity takes time.  I can attest to this!  My hubby has been working on me for years and after 9 years of a very happy, healthy, blessed marriage I am always growing, changing and evolving. I get "it" and I am SUPER STOKED!  God and my hubby are my saving grace!  God understands everything.  

Why don't we hear these sorts of things in church?  Well, I was raised Catholic and I personally cannot recall being led to dig deep and truly seek out a relationship with God.  I knew the stories of the Bible and I went to church, but I don't know if I could share much more with you than that.  Fear, pride and arrogance, can cloud God's desire to truly develop a relationship with you.  Pride and arrogance is when you think you are better than someone else, or something of the sort.  God is not afraid to tell you how wonderful you are despite your imperfections.  He's working in every area of your life, trust me.  If you think and act wrongly you will never be who God wants you to be.  

Jeremich 29: 11-13 "11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

The trumpets will blow, the skies will part and the arc angels will appear and everything is going to be fine!  God thinks you are wonderful!

God knows you even if others do not.  So, do not worry, do not fret, take one day at a time and live in faith.  Be peaceful, patience, kind, good, loving, joyful, faithful, humble and have self-control (the fruits of the spirit).

With Love,

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