Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Colorado Cleanse- What's Involved

As I have previously mentioned, cleansing is as much mental and spiritual as it is physical, so it's very important to incorporate aspects such as yoga and meditation.  These practices can be done in a short period of time and they will leaving you feeling at ease and at peace.

"What does the Cleanse involve?

During the 2-week Colorado Cleanse you will do a daily practice of yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises, 12 minutes of aerobic exercise, take Ayurvedic herbal formulas that support the detox process, and eat a special kitchari cleanse diet during one of the three phases:
PHASE 1 (Days 1-4) 
To prepare your body to flush these toxins out of their storage sites, we will first make sure that your natural detox channels are functional by following an allergen-free whole foods diet, eating 3 specific foods each day, and taking the specified herbs. This will help:
  • Balance Blood Sugar and Heal Intestinal Villi: Start by stabilizing your blood sugar and healing the intestinal mucosa of your intestinal tract.
  • De-Stagnate the Lymphatic System: Improve the function of your lymphatic system, which drains the gut through the GALT (Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue) where 80% of the body’s immune system is housed.
  • Thin the Bile and Prepare to Detox: Once the detox channels of the lymph are moving, de-congest the liver and thin the bile. Adequate bile flow is critical in optimizing and maintaining the detox channels of the body.
PHASE 2 (Days 5-11)
During Phase 2, you will eat a simplified diet of nonfat kitchari, which is a specific type of rice and beans prepared in a way that helps heal the digestion. You will also be drinking increasing amounts of ghee each morning, performing an ancient Ayurvedic process called “Oleation.” You will close Phase 2 with a gentle laxative therapy on day 11.
  • Reset Fat Metabolism, Flush the Liver and Detox Toxic Fat: Once the liver and bile are functioning better, cleanse the toxic chemicals that are stored in the fat cells.
  • Self-Inquiry Exercises to help release old emotions, patterns, habits and behaviors that store in the fat cells.
PHASE 3 (Days 12-14)
After the kitchari cleanse diet during Phase 2, you will return to the Phase 1 diet and add a Digestive Reset Protocol to boost your digestive fire.
  • Reset Digestive Strength: After the cleanse, reset your upper digestive strength, which is the most common cause of digestive distress.
You will continue taking your herbal formulas for a few more weeks. In addition, we recommend that you follow a seasonal, whole foods diet, which you will naturally have the craving for now."
*Click on the link at the bottom of my site to order the needed products.  Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.  No Excuses!  With Love, Jennie

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