Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Monday, September 28, 2015

Childhood Obesity and Other Child Related Health Issues On The Rise

Childhood obesity and other child health related issues are on the rise.  According to the science of Ayurveda, the oldest paradigm of health, children are in the Kapha stage of life until they reach the age of 12.

Our body types are all different. While one person can tolerate eating dairy another may not be able to consume it and the same goes for someone capable of eating wheat, rice, eggs, sour fruits and so on. Children are also mucous makers!  Understanding their unique and special body type and appreciating their stage of life will empower you to help them grow into healthy, happy adults.

If your children have on-going health related issues, or they need to encourage the body to sustain a fat-burning metabolism message me and I will give you some tips.  I have a very basic method that can be used to help children stabilize their mood, increase energy and reduce excess weight (if needed).

With Love,

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Mindful eating. Fully understanding the instruction manual for optimal digestion, eating the right foods for YOUR body type and taking simple steps like sitting down to eat meals at regular times, eating in a peaceful environment and understanding appropriate food combinations are simple steps that you can take to create wellness. Prevention lies in your thoughts, your words, your actions and your day to day lifestyle activities. You have the power of the universe inside of you, what are you doing with it? Cleanse time 10/13/15-10/26/15. BE THERE!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Think Like God

Have you thought about what you are thinking about?  When you wake in the morning do you sometimes find it challenging to be optimistic?  I realize that it may sound completely awkward to most people to, "Pay Attention To What You Are Thinking About."  If you are a believer, then you should be thinking like God.  I am still learning myself!  I heard Joyce Meyer talking today, so I thought I would recap some of her thoughts...

Your thoughts affect your entire walk through this journey called life, your thoughts affect your relationship with God and with others.  While others may form opinions about you God will NEVER have a bad thought about you, or if you are going to change things in your life.  God ONLY sees the possibilities for you and your life!  Isn't that great news?

Our behavior is a product of our thoughts.  We have all made mistakes.  We are not perfect, but our sins have been washed clean and our spirits have been renewed. We can live our lives in faith and get our relationship right with God.  What we do, or do not do does not determine who were are in Christ.  We can change and we can learn new things all the time.  We can be what we say we believe.

Do you like yourself?  We need to have a good relationship with ourselves.  Are you trying to be someone you are not?  God won't help you do that.

Spiritual maturity takes time.  I can attest to this!  My hubby has been working on me for years and after 9 years of a very happy, healthy, blessed marriage I am always growing, changing and evolving. I get "it" and I am SUPER STOKED!  God and my hubby are my saving grace!  God understands everything.  

Why don't we hear these sorts of things in church?  Well, I was raised Catholic and I personally cannot recall being led to dig deep and truly seek out a relationship with God.  I knew the stories of the Bible and I went to church, but I don't know if I could share much more with you than that.  Fear, pride and arrogance, can cloud God's desire to truly develop a relationship with you.  Pride and arrogance is when you think you are better than someone else, or something of the sort.  God is not afraid to tell you how wonderful you are despite your imperfections.  He's working in every area of your life, trust me.  If you think and act wrongly you will never be who God wants you to be.  

Jeremich 29: 11-13 "11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

The trumpets will blow, the skies will part and the arc angels will appear and everything is going to be fine!  God thinks you are wonderful!

God knows you even if others do not.  So, do not worry, do not fret, take one day at a time and live in faith.  Be peaceful, patience, kind, good, loving, joyful, faithful, humble and have self-control (the fruits of the spirit).

With Love,

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Creating Balance

We live in an ever-changing world.  Finding balance can be one of the greatest challenges.  We are also in an era where information is available at our fingertips.  It can feel overwhelming at times because everyone has a thought and opinion about EVERYTHING!

One doctor will recommend a vegetarian diet, another doctor will recommend a meat, starch and vegetable based diet and the other doctor will recommend a diet that eliminates this, or that type of food.  What works for one person may not work for you.

Our bodies are all wired a little differently.  One person could tolerate eating animal protein 3 times a day, while another person would be better consuming it a few times a week.  The most important thing that you can do to live a long, healthy, happy, fruitful life is to find out more about your body type so that you can consume the types of foods that are right for you.  Assuring that you get enough sleep, some sunshine, or vitamin D, a regular daily routine, keeping stress to a minimum through regular exercise, yoga and meditation and surrounding yourself with positive minded people will all help as well.

For most people, elimination diets will fail.  For instance, most people would begin to crave certain types of food if one important food group was eliminated.  It is best to eat a well balanced diet that is also free of white flour, white sugar and processed foods.  If there are on-going health issues then there are occasions where doctors may recommend removing a certain food from your diet for a period of time which would allow the GI tract and the body the proper time to heal.  Once this is accomplished you can slowly re-introduce the eliminated foods.

The group cleanse begins on October 13th- October 26th!  It's only two weeks my friends, you can do it!

With Love,

Thursday, September 17, 2015

FDA sounds alarm on dangers of antacid drugs

If you are taking prescription drugs, or use any over the counter medications for health related issues, even for a cold, have they cured your condition? If not, it may be time to change gears.

44% of the adult population self medicates with antacids. Antacids lead to GI lesions. Long term, or regular use also shuts down the bodies natural ability to produce stomach acid. Talk about putting fire on fire. There are alternative methods that will not only heal the GI tract and restore health to the rest of the body, but there are also alternative methods in dealing with indigestion and they do not harm the body, or mind what-so-ever. Cleanse time- October 13th! Jenniefos@gmail.com With Love, Jennie


Healing The Digestive Tract

In medical school a doctor learns the normal's and abnormal's, how to "treat" the symptoms, but not cure.  1% of illness are cured by how doctors diagnose and while this helps it does not cure the underlying, root cause of the health related issue (s).  Prescriptions and over the counter medications, improper diet, lack of quality sleep, stress and a sedentary lifestyle all create imbalances in the body which then lead to more potentially serious health related issues.

If the GI tract is unhealthy and inflamed the whole body will feel it.  Health related conditions like, but not limited to: arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, candida overgrowth, sleep difficulties, allergies (even seasonal), asthma, cancer and the common cold all can be linked back to poor GI health.

The first thing you can do to fast track your way into an improved state of health is to cleanse the WHOLE BODY of impurities.  Join us for the group cleanse across the country beginning October 13th.  You can do it- it's only 2 weeks!
With Love,

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SUPER CHARGE your life! SUPER CHARGE what you are doing. Super CHARGE your health by breaking through and eliminating the root cause of lingering health issues. 1. Cleanse Time Begins October 13th- October 26th, are you game? Click on the Colorado Cleanse link at the bottom of my site to get started, or email me with questions. Jenniefos@gmail.com With Love, Jennie

Friday, September 11, 2015

Thoughts Regarding A Cleanse

During a cleanse you want to eliminate foods that are hard to digest like raw veggies, animal protein, dairy, wheat, etc and keep things as healthy and fresh as possible. You also do not want to consume any stimulants, like coffee, or caffeinated tea.  Raja's Cup, which I carry and herbal teas like chamomile, mint and licorice root are great harmonizing and energizing substitutes.  Here are some reasons to avoid coffee: 1.DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a steroid hormone that can decrease with the consumption of coffee. DHEA is responsible for cellular and tissue repair. It also enhances memory and cognitive function, protects against stress, and supports numerous physiological processes, 2. Coffee is a stimulant and increases the release of stress-fighting hormones, which are usually reserved for life or death, fight or flight situations.  Similar effects on mood and autonomic response are measured in the body regardless of caffeine level between regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee, 3. Coffee consumption (including decaffeinated coffee) releases an addictive neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine is a pleasure hormone and when the brain is bathed in dopamine, it never forgets the source. Finally, Raises homocysteine levels – a major risk factor for heart disease, Raises blood pressure, Raises cholesterol, Increases inflammation, Is associated with heart irregularities,Can damage the nervous system, Interferes with neurotransmitters in the brain, Alters DNA repair, Increases risk of kidney stones, Lowers bone density in women, Interferes with sleep, Is linked to erectile dysfunction and Is linked to increases symptoms of gastric reflux and heartburn.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Colorado Cleanse- What's Involved

As I have previously mentioned, cleansing is as much mental and spiritual as it is physical, so it's very important to incorporate aspects such as yoga and meditation.  These practices can be done in a short period of time and they will leaving you feeling at ease and at peace.

"What does the Cleanse involve?

During the 2-week Colorado Cleanse you will do a daily practice of yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises, 12 minutes of aerobic exercise, take Ayurvedic herbal formulas that support the detox process, and eat a special kitchari cleanse diet during one of the three phases:
PHASE 1 (Days 1-4) 
To prepare your body to flush these toxins out of their storage sites, we will first make sure that your natural detox channels are functional by following an allergen-free whole foods diet, eating 3 specific foods each day, and taking the specified herbs. This will help:
  • Balance Blood Sugar and Heal Intestinal Villi: Start by stabilizing your blood sugar and healing the intestinal mucosa of your intestinal tract.
  • De-Stagnate the Lymphatic System: Improve the function of your lymphatic system, which drains the gut through the GALT (Gut Associated Lymphatic Tissue) where 80% of the body’s immune system is housed.
  • Thin the Bile and Prepare to Detox: Once the detox channels of the lymph are moving, de-congest the liver and thin the bile. Adequate bile flow is critical in optimizing and maintaining the detox channels of the body.
PHASE 2 (Days 5-11)
During Phase 2, you will eat a simplified diet of nonfat kitchari, which is a specific type of rice and beans prepared in a way that helps heal the digestion. You will also be drinking increasing amounts of ghee each morning, performing an ancient Ayurvedic process called “Oleation.” You will close Phase 2 with a gentle laxative therapy on day 11.
  • Reset Fat Metabolism, Flush the Liver and Detox Toxic Fat: Once the liver and bile are functioning better, cleanse the toxic chemicals that are stored in the fat cells.
  • Self-Inquiry Exercises to help release old emotions, patterns, habits and behaviors that store in the fat cells.
PHASE 3 (Days 12-14)
After the kitchari cleanse diet during Phase 2, you will return to the Phase 1 diet and add a Digestive Reset Protocol to boost your digestive fire.
  • Reset Digestive Strength: After the cleanse, reset your upper digestive strength, which is the most common cause of digestive distress.
You will continue taking your herbal formulas for a few more weeks. In addition, we recommend that you follow a seasonal, whole foods diet, which you will naturally have the craving for now."
*Click on the link at the bottom of my site to order the needed products.  Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.  No Excuses!  With Love, Jennie

Monday, September 07, 2015

YOU Are Something Greater

"I'm not meant to just stay quiet, I'm meant to be a lion..." So here goes it... You were here before you were born and you will be here when you die. You are not your body and you are not your mind. Your mind and body are simply instruments. That which is not fulfilled in your waking state is fulfilled in the dream state. You are peace, purity, blissful and truth. You are all that is good. When you are in a deep sleep you are in complete peace and that is who you truly are. If you are dealing with health related issues that just don't seem to go away you must learn to separate your mind and body from your "true self". Yes, you must also care for your body by eating the right foods and exercising, etc, for your specific body type and you must remove toxic, repetitive, worthless thoughts from you mind. Amen. I said my piece. With love, Jennie

Rock Salt

Good article. The right kind of salt does not increase blood pressure, or cause health issues. In fact, it may alleviate some health issues when consumed with a well balanced diet for your body type. http://fitlife.tv/10-amazing-benefits-of-pink-himalayan-sa…/

Get Ready For Flu Season Now!

We are heading towards the autumn/winter months, so now is a perfect time to consider doing a cleanse. If you didn't cleanse in the spring now is a great time to remove excess mucous, toxins and accumulated summer heat. I work with the renowned Ayurvedic doctor, Dr. Douillard and his team of experts on a regular basis and we would love for you to join us for the fall cleanse. He has been on dr. Oz too! I am also working with Dr. Kumuda Reddy, Dr. Hari Sharma, Dr. Ryan Bentley and Dr. Anup Kanodia. I spend every evening reading and researching new things which empowers me so that I can be aware, informed and knowledgeable on a wide array of topics to serve you. I am currently exploring schools to further my education in the field of Ayurveda. How can I help and be a blessing to you and yours ? with love, jennie

Nothing Less Than Young Living

Young living is the world leader in essential oils, the pioneers. As we move out of the summer months and into the fall the mucous membranes begin to dry out. Now is a great time to invest in a diffuser or a coolmist humidifier. Utilizing essential oils like thieves to clean the air and kill viruses and bacteria will not only provide moisture to the nasal passages but again cleanse you and keep you healthier through the winter months. While essential oils are a great tool to keep you healthy and feeling well it is also imperative to eat the proper diet. Let me know how I can help put a program together for you and your family to ensure optimal wellness through the coming months. Have a great weekend with love Jen

Happy Monday- Labor Day

Happy Monday! So the official kick off date for the group cleanse.... Cleansing with thousands of people across the country and gaining support and insight begins Oct 13th-26th. It's a two week cleanse and it's Very manageable! Yes, it is true, as we age our bodies "slowly" lose the ability to do the things we did 10 years ago, but I want to emphasize slowly and gradually. Arthritis, dry eyes, trouble sleeping, shaking hands and muscle twitches, excess body heat and odor, constipation/loose bowels, gas/bloating, headaches, acne, underweight/overweight, illnesses, yes, even during the winter months, lack of motivation... These are all some of the things most people overlook as part of the normal aging process, but they are not normal at all! These are red flags! Eating the wrong foods for your body type, red meat (and I ate a lot of it for a period of time in my own life, but not anymore), alcohol, smoking, and excessive stress all contribute to growing health issues. Take control of your health today. You only have one body and you are much more than your body. Most cleanse products have artificial preservatives, gmo's or synthetic vitamins (we want to get all the crap out not continue to put it in). Join us for the cleanse starting on Oct 13th! Have a great week, with love, Jennie

Routine- Get It!

It is so important to establish a regular daily routine. This involves much more than most people are aware of. Have you heard of circadian medicine? It is a new science that suggests that we have lost our natural circadian rhythms of nature. It is so important to remain in tune and connected with nature. A well structured semi-annual cleanse in the spring and fall is a great way to reboot these natural rhythms. Join me and thousands of other people across the country in the fall cleanse taking place Oct 13th-Oct 26th. More to come- with love, Jennie

Think Twice- Say No To Antibiotics

Think twice, or three times, or even four before you take antibiotics. We have learned the hard way!!! There are more toxic and harmful side effects than benefits. There are so many powerful, more natural, non toxic ways to accomplish optimal health and healing. Thieves, echinacea and turmeric are just a few powerful and healing natural remedies. As we approach cold and flu season think twice before calling your doc for a prescription and give me a ring. 😀. One of many articles that appears to be well cited and researched: http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/antibiotics.htm. With love, Jennie

Eating Healthy- Learning How To Appreciate It

Eating healthy. Two words that are very misunderstood. In this day in age it's easy to understand how this would occur with all of the fad diets. One must truly understand the mechanics, the purpose, and the healing power of the digestive system, as it relates to healthy eating. The fall cleanse taking place Oct13th-26th is a perfect way to correct imbalances and get in touch with what the body truly needs to "be healthy". It will lay a great foundation for the coming winter months and enlighten you to understand what a healthy, well balanced diet is for "you". With love, Jennie

I Feel Awesome- Speak It Into Existence

How often do you walk around telling people how awesome you feel? We are not perfect. We are all working on something. If you haven't noticed, most people are more inclined to mention that they are NOT feeling well than when they are feeling well... "I have a headache, I feel like I'm catching a cold/fighting one, I'm dizzy, I have high blood pressure, my joints hurt, I have a chronic health related condition, cancer runs in my family and I have to be tested to prevent it and so on..." When do you personally take responsibility for your health? Preventing illness does not start with a flu shot and a test at the doc's office my dear friends and if you believe this to be true you have been misled and fooled! Optimal health can be achieved by eating the right foods for YOUR body type (I'm not talking fad diets either), exercising regularly, quality sleep and keeping stress to a minimum and living in peace through activities like meditation. Here is to a new you and a new beginning... join us in the group cleanse across the country beginning Oct 13th. This cleanse is unlike anything else out there!!! I am working on getting the site up that will educate you and empower you to cleanse properly and feel renewed and alive. Have a blessed holiday weekend. With Love, Jennie

Here's To You!

I just saw a commercial for Fiber One granola bars. It plagues me that we live in a country where people actually believe that chocolate granola bars are a healthy way to increase fiber intake. Ha! Processed, man-made foods are not healthy... in any way shape, or form. Your transformation begins October 13th! Cleanse with thousands of people across the country and feel rejuvenated and renewed. God has used me over the last several years and he is still using me. I have partnered up with some of the leading doctors, I have read and researched and I have been my own science experiment. Sometimes in order to learn you must live, you must do, you must be and I have. God has led me one way and then another... It is my goal to get 100 people to do the cleanse come October and the funds that are earned will be put towards furthering my education to serve you, your children, your family members and friends so that you can truly come to love eating healthy and being healthy- mentally, physically and spiritually and live the life I KNOW you are destined to live! I will be an Ayurvedic Practitioner!!! SO EXCITING! With love, have a blessed week, Jennie