Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Monday, September 19, 2011

Allergies, Bad Breath, Can't Sleep, Constipated, or Parasites?

According to Wikipedia, parasites are organisms that live on or in a host and they get their food from the host.  Parasites live everywhere, so we come in contact with them daily.  This includes our pets.  They live on fruits, vegetables and meats, they live in treated drinking water and they live outside.  It is the parasites job to play "hide and seek" in the body.  Most of the symptoms are often mistaken for other conditions, illnesses, or are accepted as a normal part of life.  

I want to make it VERY CLEAR that a lot of conditions and illnesses are also related to poor diet and lifestyle choices, however, in my experience I have come to learn that most people can benefit from a parasite and yeast cleanse.  It seems that most people who are overweight and make poor choices regarding their diet and lifestyle have some parasite and yeast issues.

Some of the symptoms are:

Stomach or Gastrointestinal issues (gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, etc)

Fatigue and A Difficult Time Sleeping (parasites are most active at night and around the full moon)

Chronic Infections or Illnesses

Lack of Desire for Sex or Reproductive Problems

Mood Swings

Eye Sensitivities

Skin Disorders

Muscle and Joint Conditions

Decreased Appetite, Digestive Issues

...and many other symptoms

Some doctors willingly admit that most people will encounter a parasitic infection at some point in their life, while others are more resistant to the idea.  Think about it...

What if most of the conditions: arthritis, bad breath, acne, constipation, etc, were all related to parasites?  After all, if they remain undetected for a lengthily period of time they can make their way into organs and tissues and really do some damage.

I believe in trusting the preponderance of scientific information when it comes to a variety of topics.  I am not one for stories, but I find it VERY interesting that Dr. Bailey, owner of HumaWorm, states that no one in her family has ever experienced health related conditions like high blood pressure, or cancer and they have completed a parasite cleanse twice a year since they were two years old.  

Most parents are told by their doctors that a consistent runny nose is caused by teething and that an occasional cold or flu is just part of being a child.  This is certainly not the case.  I have seen symptoms in children, for instance, chronic runny noses during the winter months and a series of colds, flu's and ear infections completely vanish within days of beginning a parasite cleanse.  

The modern medical approach in the treatment of parasites is through the use of drugs such as Vermox, but these types of drugs are very destructive to the liver.  Vermox, for instance, can potentially decrease blood cell count, cause seizures, drowsiness, skin disorders and gastrointestinal distress.  The word antibiotic means, "Against Life", and antibiotics kill off both the good and bad in our body.  It is not a new topic...antibiotics have completely altered the microbes within our bodies.  Viruses and bacteria have recreated themselves in ways that antibiotics are sometimes ineffective.  Homeopathic and herbal methods prove to be much more gentle and effective.

There are a handful of natural, gentle, effective and affordable ways to remove adult parasites, eggs and toxins from the body.  Most parasite cleanses are taken over a 30-day period, as the adult parasites are removed within the first several days and the eggs and toxins are removed over the remaining 23 days. Some cleanses focus on cleansing the blood of parasites, some focus on cleansing the intestines and some focus on both.  With that said, depending on the location of the parasites, some cleanses will do the job and others will not.  Garlic, papaya/papaya seeds and cloves are just some food articles that are anti-parasitic.  Depending on the length and severity of the infection, more than one cleanse may be necessary.  Parasites leach minerals away from the body, so it's sometimes suggested to temporarily supplement with a high quality mineral supplement to restore health.  It is important to consult with an educated health consultant, or doctor prior to starting supplementation.

During the winter months I will be trained and certified to test for a variety of health related issues, including parasites and yeast.  I will also be able to determine what supplements will be effective in restoring health and what supplements will not be effective.  

Next week I will discuss the topic of Candida.  I hope you have a great week and I look forward to chatting with you on Friday!  Be Well!
