Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday Light Night 9/30/11

Tomorrow is officially the first day of October!  I can't believe how fast time goes by.  It's a cozy, cool, rainy day outside, so I am making lentil soup, salad and rice bread for dinner.

It has been a wonderful, productive week... lots of new, yummy meals, working on my nutrition program, spending time doing new things with my daughter, getting up at 5AM to hit the gym, working with my family and friends and assisting them with their health concerns and now I am looking forward to the weekend with my hubby and family.

I hope you have a blessed and wonderful weekend!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Light Night 9/23/11

Happy Friday- it's almost October!

I want to reiterate that it takes time to adjust and feel comfortable with diet and lifestyle changes.  It takes around 90-120 days to lose cravings for some foods.

Knowing is half the battle... I know what foods are good for me and what foods promote illness, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis and cancer.  I love the food that I eat, because I know that it nourishes my body, makes me feel great and it is the best natural medicine for preventing disease.  

Have a wonderful weekend!  I am hoping that the rain holds off on Sunday, so I can go apple picking!
Enjoy and be well!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Allergies, Bad Breath, Can't Sleep, Constipated, or Parasites?

According to Wikipedia, parasites are organisms that live on or in a host and they get their food from the host.  Parasites live everywhere, so we come in contact with them daily.  This includes our pets.  They live on fruits, vegetables and meats, they live in treated drinking water and they live outside.  It is the parasites job to play "hide and seek" in the body.  Most of the symptoms are often mistaken for other conditions, illnesses, or are accepted as a normal part of life.  

I want to make it VERY CLEAR that a lot of conditions and illnesses are also related to poor diet and lifestyle choices, however, in my experience I have come to learn that most people can benefit from a parasite and yeast cleanse.  It seems that most people who are overweight and make poor choices regarding their diet and lifestyle have some parasite and yeast issues.

Some of the symptoms are:

Stomach or Gastrointestinal issues (gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, etc)

Fatigue and A Difficult Time Sleeping (parasites are most active at night and around the full moon)

Chronic Infections or Illnesses

Lack of Desire for Sex or Reproductive Problems

Mood Swings

Eye Sensitivities

Skin Disorders

Muscle and Joint Conditions

Decreased Appetite, Digestive Issues

...and many other symptoms

Some doctors willingly admit that most people will encounter a parasitic infection at some point in their life, while others are more resistant to the idea.  Think about it...

What if most of the conditions: arthritis, bad breath, acne, constipation, etc, were all related to parasites?  After all, if they remain undetected for a lengthily period of time they can make their way into organs and tissues and really do some damage.

I believe in trusting the preponderance of scientific information when it comes to a variety of topics.  I am not one for stories, but I find it VERY interesting that Dr. Bailey, owner of HumaWorm, states that no one in her family has ever experienced health related conditions like high blood pressure, or cancer and they have completed a parasite cleanse twice a year since they were two years old.  

Most parents are told by their doctors that a consistent runny nose is caused by teething and that an occasional cold or flu is just part of being a child.  This is certainly not the case.  I have seen symptoms in children, for instance, chronic runny noses during the winter months and a series of colds, flu's and ear infections completely vanish within days of beginning a parasite cleanse.  

The modern medical approach in the treatment of parasites is through the use of drugs such as Vermox, but these types of drugs are very destructive to the liver.  Vermox, for instance, can potentially decrease blood cell count, cause seizures, drowsiness, skin disorders and gastrointestinal distress.  The word antibiotic means, "Against Life", and antibiotics kill off both the good and bad in our body.  It is not a new topic...antibiotics have completely altered the microbes within our bodies.  Viruses and bacteria have recreated themselves in ways that antibiotics are sometimes ineffective.  Homeopathic and herbal methods prove to be much more gentle and effective.

There are a handful of natural, gentle, effective and affordable ways to remove adult parasites, eggs and toxins from the body.  Most parasite cleanses are taken over a 30-day period, as the adult parasites are removed within the first several days and the eggs and toxins are removed over the remaining 23 days. Some cleanses focus on cleansing the blood of parasites, some focus on cleansing the intestines and some focus on both.  With that said, depending on the location of the parasites, some cleanses will do the job and others will not.  Garlic, papaya/papaya seeds and cloves are just some food articles that are anti-parasitic.  Depending on the length and severity of the infection, more than one cleanse may be necessary.  Parasites leach minerals away from the body, so it's sometimes suggested to temporarily supplement with a high quality mineral supplement to restore health.  It is important to consult with an educated health consultant, or doctor prior to starting supplementation.

During the winter months I will be trained and certified to test for a variety of health related issues, including parasites and yeast.  I will also be able to determine what supplements will be effective in restoring health and what supplements will not be effective.  

Next week I will discuss the topic of Candida.  I hope you have a great week and I look forward to chatting with you on Friday!  Be Well!


Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Light Night 9/16/11

Happy Friday Friends,

It's going to be a nice weekend out here in the beautiful state of Ohio- Go Bucks!

I have some things that I look forward to sharing with you, but my hubby started a movie and I have been working on some other things, so I am logging off and I will chat with you soon.

Enjoy the weekend and be well!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Patience and The Journey To True Wellness

Becoming truly well takes timeparticularly after we abuse our bodies over the course of 20-30 years. Eating processed foods, fast food, dairy products, meat with added hormones, antibiotics and steroids, heavy metals, coffee, breathing in toxins, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, taking antibiotics for illnesses that can be treated naturally, etc... these are reflections of the standard American lifestyle.

Did you know that the word antibiotic means, "Against Life" in Latin?

I never questioned taking antibiotics for an illness.  I was raised to believe that there was nothing wrong with vaccinations, there was nothing wrong with taking antibiotics for illnesses, or infections and that, for the most part, I could trust the medical community to want what was best for me.

My trust and feelings towards the medical community changed after a series of events.  Doctors were writing in my files that they had diagnosed me with a particular illness, but they had never mentioned anything in regards to it to me.  I came down with one illness after another and it took a lot of begging and pleading to convince doctors to test me for a possible staph infection that came back positive.  Doctors neglected to mention that there were serious side effects to taking birth control.  Doctors prescribed one drug after another for a miscarriage, an infected bug bite and in addition to this made no mention of the necessity of taking probiotics while taking all of these drugs.  I watched close family members and friends lose their loved ones to cancer and degenerative conditions with no guidance from the medical community on the benefits of "simply" making diet and lifestyle changes to reverse disease and improve the quality of life.  Just as you, I know a number of people, including children, who are malnourished and are taking drugs for diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fibromyalgia, arthritis and many other conditions that are reversible through a plant based diet.  

Please understand, I still believe that there is a time and place for medicine and for traditional M.D.'s, but I lost a lot of faith in the medical community after completing my degree in the field of natural health, battling through my own medical wars and after witnessing my loved ones die of preventative conditions.

What can you take away from this?  If you are making diet and/or lifestyle changes stick with it, stay positive, visualize yourself being healthy, happy and fit, find friends who can support you and join in and be patient.  Becoming truly well takes time and you are on the right track.

I have been working on this post all week.  I chose to revise this post, as I want to educate you.

Have a blessed night and a wonderful Friday!  Thank you for being so patient with me.

Until tomorrow friends... be well.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Friday Light Night 9/9/11

Happy Friday Friends!  I hope that you had a wonderful week.

Settling down to watch a movie...  I picked up a ton of fresh fruits and vegetables from the farmers markets this week and I can't wait to eat everything up!  I wish I had a huge green house to grow herbs, fruits and vegetables year-round.  One of these days... never stop dreaming.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Vaccine Debate Cont.... Garrett & Cindy Goldenberg

I realized that I should have included this in my post last evening, but the post was quite long, so I am adding it in today.

This brief, summarized story is one of many.  It is very compelling and was taken almost word for word from Barbara Loe Fishers book, Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic.

"Garrett Goldenberg was a healthy, happy, 13-month old boy and 2 weeks after his MMR shot he began to display autistic like behavior.  At 18 months he received the haemophilus influenzae B (Hib) vaccination and his autistic behaviors began to worsen.  He was flapping his arms, twirling and spinning, talking non-stop, gagging on his food, etc... Cindy, his mother, took him to a variety of speciality doctors who ran numerous tests and one test came back showing that his rubella titer was borderline high.  She wondered why it was above normal after he received the vaccination over a year ago.

Her research began and what she found convinced her that just as the rubella infection can cause autistic behaviors in children with rubella, so could the live virus in the vaccine MMR shot.  She also became convinced that, because vaccines are injected directly into the bloodstream, they are capable of causing immune dysfunction, interfering with the body's primary immune system and affecting immuno-globulin levels which facilitate absorption of nutrients by the mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract.  She met with Dr. Sudir Gupta, MD, PhD and he also confirmed that Garrett had increased rubella titers, etc...  Cindy began to make numerous dietary changes in Garrett's diet and also added in some supplements.  She also worked around the clock with a variety of therapies to restore his physical and mental state of health.

Years later, Garrett graduated from high school with A's, went to prom and was the first person to recover from regressive autism.  Cindy was instrumental in providing doctors with insight into healing autistic children and providing hope to many others." (Fisher, Pg. 21-23)

You can also read about Jennie McCarthy's story as she battled through the same conditions with her son.

2. Fisher, L. Barbara., (2008)  Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic.  Ohio: 
    PB Industries, Inc.

http://www.generationrescue.org/  Jennie McCarthy's organization

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The Vaccine Debate

I hope that you enjoyed the extended weekend.  I have recently noticed several people making note of their discomfort, or potential concern about vaccinating their infants and children.  I personally have friends and family members who know for a fact that they, or their children have had adverse reactions to vaccinations.  This is a decision that I do not take lightly.

There are many doctors who appear to be open and willing to agree with the proving of a reaction.  Most, if not all chiropractors are against vaccinations.  There are other doctors who will simply direct you to a government, or pharmaceutical website that exists to convince you that there is no proof that vaccinations are linked to autism and other common day conditions.  Doctors receive commissions on the products that they prescribe, they are spoiled with free lunches and goodies from their visiting Pharamceutical reps.

I am referring to all vaccinations here, including the flu vaccination, chicken pox vaccination (an illness that was normal when I was a child and I will most likely not get it now, as I naturally developed immunity to it), measles, tetanus, etc.  Continuous vaccinations suppress the immune system and the nervous system, can alter the body's natural ability to fight off illness and can create havoc in a variety of other ways.  The government appears more open to the idea of protecting the pharmaceutical companies than it does to protect the general public.  Lots of money involved here... Check out the book, "The Truth About Drug Companies," by Marcia Angell's.

Reactions to vaccinations can occur within hours, days, weeks or even months after the actual vaccination has been administered.  The symptoms may vary as well.  According to Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, some of the possible symptoms are, "Redness at the site of the injection, high pitched screaming, inconsolable crying, high fever, paralysis, seizures, loss of consciousness to behavioral changes, sleep disturbances, confusion, flapping, loss of relatedness, eye contact, etc... Often regression is accompanied by symptoms of immune dysfunction such as new food  allergies, environmental allergies, asthma, digestive issues, skin disorders and chronic respiratory and ear infections, etc." (Fisher, Pg. 41)

According to Dr. Pamela Popper, a trusted friend and very well known naturopathic doctor who recently appeared in the documentary, "Forks Over Knives," states, "In the U.S. the death rate of childhood diseases actually began to drop dramatically when living and sanitation improved, not when vaccinations were introduced."  Let's use an example, she goes on to state, "The incidence of measles was 400,000 in 1965 and only 100 in 1999.  However, during this same period of time, the rates of asthma, allergies, ADD, mental retardation and learning disabilities increased dramatically." (Popper, Pg. 236)  She makes the point that, "...many physicians who recommend vaccinations to their patients do not recommend them for their own families."  (Popper, Pg. 237)  Dr. Popper also mentions that there have been no large-scale clinical trials to prove whether, or not vaccines are truly safe and effective.  A billion dollars is set aside each year by Congress, so that new vaccines can be developed and put into use, but there is no research money set aside to study the safety of vaccines. (Popper, Pg. 238)

Did you know that most vaccines contain cultured bacteria, viruses, dog or monkey kidney tissue, chicken embryos, pig blood or cowpox pus?  (Popper, Pg. 239)  Have you ever thought to ask to see the list of ingredients in the vaccine prior to administering a vaccination?

"According to a 1991 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the lowest vaccination rates among medical personnel for the German measles vaccine occurred among ob/gyns and the next lowest among pediatricians." (Popper, Pg. 237)

"...1991-1994, there were 38,787 adverse reactions reported to the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System.  45% of these reactions occurred on the same day, 20% on the day after and the rest within 2 weeks.  Reports of deaths for children between 1 and 3 months of age were recorded as resulting from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, rather than as a byproduct of vaccines, even though there may be a cause and effect relationship."  (Popper, Pg. 238)

Most children receive approximately 37-84 doses of 14 different vaccines by the time they reach age 6.  This could be a potential reason as to why they have adverse reactions.  I personally could not imagine vaccinating my newborn child, particularly with vaccinations such as Hepatitis B, a sexually transmitted disease.

"In 1989, the Centers for Disease Control reported that measles outbreaks were occurring in schools that had vaccination levels of 98%.  One study concluded that the apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons... These studies suggest that the goal of complete immunization is actually counterproductive..."  (Popper, Pg. 242)  This is also similar to the outbreak of whopping cough last year in Ohio.  Most of the people that were getting the whooping cough had been vaccinated...

I could literally go on, and on, and on about the potential side effects of vaccinations.  I am going to include some reliable sites below that are also great resources about the various topics surrounding vaccinations.

Please let me know if you have further questions.  Thank you for checking in with me and good night!






1. Popper, PhD., Pamela., (2006)  Dr. Pam Popper's Guide To Family Health.  Ohio: PB Industries,
2. Fisher, L. Barbara., (2008)  Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic.  Ohio: 
    PB Industries, Inc.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Friday Light Night 9/2/11

Happy Friday Friends,

I hope that you are all looking forward to a long and relaxing weekend.  I am going to make Friday nights, "Light Nights," as I usually wind down and relax Friday evenings.

I constantly hear parents saying things like, "My kids won't touch vegetables, they barely eat fruit, I have to take food with me just in case they do not like what is being served, they don't drink water, etc."  I can relate to the idea of taking food along just in case they do not want to eat what is being served, as we don't eat a lot of the things that most Americans eat.  In due time, I will discuss my thoughts on a variety of issues when it comes to children: obesity, colds/flu's, diabetes, vaccines and the potential side effects, malnourished children, etc.

My sweet daughter was having lunch on Wednesday.  We had homemade coleslaw with green peppers, tomatoes, onions, sweet/hot peppers, red cabbage, green cabbage and carrots, vegan, gluten free corn bread and stuffed green peppers with potatoes, tomatoes, kidney beans, brown rice, onions and spices.  Not only did she eat everything, but she asked for the bowl of coleslaw and was picking at it with her fingers.  I just sat there in delight, as I watched her enjoy all of those vegetables.  I am so blessed.

Have a great weekend!  I will talk with you on Monday.