Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Friday, October 02, 2015

Honor Yourself

American King James Version:
"For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." When we take care of ourselves, our bodies, minds and spirits we are honoring God's wishes. Take care of yourself, join us for the worldwide group cleanse taking place from October 13th-26th. It's only a two week cleanse and it's very simple. It will enliven you physically, mentally and spiritually. Let me know how I can help you... in any way. With Love, have a cozy weekend. Jennie

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