Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday Light Night 11/25/11

I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday.  I had a wonderful time with my family, but it went by super fast.  When you are in the kitchen all day cooking and then cleaning and then everyone leaves, it goes by fast!

It was a beautiful outside today.  My daughter and I raked the leaves, as my husband had a boys day out.  Now, I am going to get started on some Christmas shopping.  I love going out to shop, but for whatever reason, maybe because it's convenient, I do a lot more online shopping than I used to.

Here's to a wonderful weekend and yes the countdown to Christmas begins... wow!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tis The Season Of Giving

Christmas is my favorite holiday. Oh, the lights, the music, the shopping, the holiday foods and the memorable times with family and friends... People are a little more nice and a little more generous, but aren't we here to serve others and to give on a daily basis?  Which brings me to the point of my article...

We were put on this earth to serve others.  When you have your first child you will find that you are often asked, "Can you remember what you did before you had him/her?"  My answer was, "Yes."  It is true, prior to having children you can go here and there as you please and you have much more independence, but once they are born and a part of your life you cannot imagine a second without them and you would die for them in an instant.

I have family members and friends who have chosen not to have children.  I fully respect their decision, but I don't quite understand it.  They enjoy being married with no children, they enjoy "us time".  This takes me back to our purpose.  We are here to serve others.  We are not here for us.  It is difficult not to be selfish, as having children takes a ton of patience and a lot of time, but it's worth every minute.  I also know some people who have avoided having children simply because they are afraid of worrying too much when they have children and so on.  We can't live our lives in fear.  We must live our lives in faith, as we are not in control of anything despite how much we want to believe, or act as if we are in control.

Every time you see children mentioned in the bible, it talks about what a joy and blessing they are.  Being a parent can be very difficult, but it is so rewarding.  I must look at my daughter a billion times a day and think, "I couldn't imagine my life without you," as I kiss her cheeks a billion times.

Part of serving others does involve serving ourselves.  In saying this I mean that in order to serve others we must take care of ourselves as well.  We must honor our body and work to be healthy.  If we are not healthy we won't be around to care for anyone else.

If you think you are incapable of having children, or you have been told by a doctor that you are not capable of having children, that's not true.  It's not up to the doctor as to whether, or not you can conceive a child.  It's up to God and God said that, "He will love thee, bless thee, and multiply thee; he will bless the fruit of thy womb, and thy fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil...Thou salt be blessed above all people and there shall not be male or female barren among you..."  Deuteronomy 7:13-15.

"There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren in thy land, the number of thy days I will fulfill."  Exodus 23: 25-26

And so on...

We are all capable of having children, having a healthy, enjoyable, full term pregnancy and an amazing child birthing experience, but you have to pray for it and believe in it too.  I prayed for my daughter prior to conceiving her, I knew that I would not have morning sickness, or any of the other so-called ailments, as I did not believe in them either, I knew that I would have a full term, 40-week pregnancy and I knew that labor would be a joyous, painless experience, yes PAINLESS.  I had no cravings, as I ate healthy and nourished my body and my baby with healthy foods.

We have been fed so much garbage about so many different things.  We were all designed to have children.  Our bodies are fully capable of creating and/or bearing children and it is to be a joyous, happy, healthy, comfortable experience, free of pain and discomfort.  I know it's hard to believe after you've been fed years of garbage, "Oh you'll have morning sickness, oh you'll be in labor for 12 hours, oh you'll deliver early."  NOT TRUE!  Turn to the bible and you will see that we are all here to serve others, bear children and enjoy the experience of pregnancy and childbirth, live in health and to be happy and prosperous.

We are what we say we are too- - -We have to reprogram our way of thinking.  So, are you here for you, or for something greater?  There is nothing more wonderful than giving of yourself and having a child.  If you choose to have children, I wish you all the best.  It's such a fun and magical experience.  Have a great week!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Light Night 11/18/11

Wow!  What a great day!  My hubby worked from home today and this evening we all headed out to do a little Christmas shopping, enjoyed some dinner and we walked around a local outdoor/indoor mall.  The big Christmas tree was up and all the lights were lit throughout the mall.  It was wonderful!

I have so many little things to do... Christmas shopping, organization throughout the house, preparations for Thanksgiving, finish up writing my nutrition program, etc, but oh, what a wonderful time of year!

Although this is a magical time of year, it can be stressful for many... the hustle and bustle of the holidays.  Take your time and enjoy every minute of it- - -You will find in the long run that there was no need to get stressed out in the first place.  Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Light Night 11/11/11

11/11/11- Thank you to all of the Veteran's out there!

Thanksgiving is fast approaching.  Do you have your meal planned out?  There are so many ways to alter sugary, fatty dishes into healthy, yummy dishes.  I like to look around online for ideas.  For instance, I am making a vegan broccoli cheese casserole using Daiya cheese (great stuff for being dairy free, gluten free, lactose free and soy free).

Have a great weekend!  Talk to you soon!

Monday, November 07, 2011

Cold/Flu Season- Stocking The Medicine Cabinet

It's that time again!  The holiday season is approaching and the last thing we want is to come down with a cold, or flu in the midst of it.  I realize that you may want to indulge in some treats during the holiday season, but I would suggest minimizing your consumption.  Fatty foods and sugar do no good for your immune system.  Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, exercise, drink 64oz, or so of purified water everyday, keep stress to a minimum and enjoy time with family and friends.  Treat yourself occasionally.

I have been trying to catch up with some friends... friends that I have known for years and that I hope to know for many years to come.  It's wonderful to catch up with our friends, to watch their children grow and to be a part of their life (if they have children), to reminisce on the past and just enjoy each others company.

If you feel that you are coming down with something act on it.  As soon as symptoms start to appear, I up my fluid intake (water and tea), exercise lightly (don't over do it... working up a sweat will help your body release toxins), try to go to bed a little earlier, take a hot bath, drink some hot tea, clean my nasal passages out with a neti-pot, or Neil Med sinus rinse and I may take some extra vitamin C, echinacea/elderberry, or a homeopathic supplement.

If you are not accustomed to making some of your own remedies, here are some things I like to keep on hand in my medicine cabinet (and it's always growing):
1. Zand Zinc Cough Drops- Zinc has been shown to kill off harmful bacteria (strep, etc) and it can boost your immune system
2. North American P73 Oregano Oil- kills almost anything from viruses, to bacteria to fungus
3. Homeopathic remedy such as: Boiron Cold Calm, B&T Alpha CF, Hyland's Cold/Flu, Borion Oscillococcinum (taken at the first sign of a cold, or flu can stop the illness in its tracks, or shorten the severity and length of the illness)
4. Ester C (vitamin c), or Carlson Chewable vitamin c for kids 
5. Well Child Echinacea, Elderberry syrup (great stuff and great tasting) and echinacea/elderberry for adults- boosts the immune system, antiviral/anti-bacterial
6. Food based probiotics such as: Garden of Life Raw Probiotics for children, or Primal Defense (both dairy free), Genestra brand probiotics
7. Herbs for Kids Temp Assure- great at regulating temperature 
8. Herbs for Kids garlic ear oil- great for ear infection prevention, or treatment
9. Source Naturals Wellness Earache (ear infection)
10. Calendula lotion/cream- rashes, minor skin irritation
11. Tea tree oil ointment, chest rub, antiseptic (antibacterial, anti-viral)
12. Nux Vomica, or a Homeopathic remedy like Hyland's Upset Stomach- tummy aches, or over-indulging in fatty foods, etc
13. Hyland's migraine- headaches
14. Hyland's sore throat, Boiron Chestal, B&T bronchial syrup, Umcka- cough/sore throat
15. BioAller's Sinus & Allergy, Hyland's Sinus, Boiron Sinusalia- sinus congestion, allergies, etc
16. Amazing Grass Superfood, wheatgrass and Superfood for kids (whole food supplement, throw this in our smoothie everyday)
17. Vibrant Health Green Vibrance (whole food supplement)
18. Bioraculous Superfood Green Drink (tastes amazing and mixes really well with water, kids love it!)
19. Life Force International Body Balance (whole food supplement, trace minerals, aloe vera, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, etc)
20. Boiron/Hyland's Homeopathic Kit (general remedies to keep on hand with an instruction manual)
21. Throat Coat tea, Yogi's antioxidant tea, etc
22. Pekana Apo Infeckt and Pekana Ricura- homeopathic anti-viral, anti-bacterial, relieves symptoms
23. Neil Med Sinus Rinse, Saline Spray (traveling), Neti Pot (clean out your nose when you feel the sniffles coming on, clean out your nose 1-2 times a week to clear out germs)
24. Curing Pills- stomach aches, sour stomach, early stages of stomach flu, etc
25. Braggs Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar- mix 1 tbsp with 1 tbsp honey and a little water and drink to thin mucous and aid in digestive issues

You may find that some things work and some things don't.  For instance, one homeopathic remedy may work great while the other appears to do nothing.  Once you find a couple that you like, stick with them.  I like to keep a variety of things on hand during the winter months, so if we are feeling run down we don't have to run out to the store.  A lot of stores that carry these items may close earlier too and if something hits in the middle of the night it's great to have it there.  I like Vitacost.com- great prices, free shipping on orders of $49, or more, returns accepted within 30 days and quick shipping.

Honey and lemon mixed together works great as a throat coat/soother too.

So... here's to keeping healthy during the holiday season.  E-mail me if you have questions on homemade remedies!  Have a great week!

1. http://abchomeopathy.com/taking.htm (learn more about homeopathy)
2. http://www.p-73.com/

Friday, November 04, 2011

Friday Light Night 11/4/11

I had a cup of tea this afternoon and the tag on the tea bag said something along the lines of, "You will feel fulfilled when you have convinced someone to do the impossible."  I tried to find the actual quote, but the bag is buried in the trash.  Wow- did this hit home for me.

Day in and day out I over hear people talking about things, "Oh my son has allergies, my mom had to have this procedure done, if only I could lose 30 pounds, I need a nap, my arthritis is really bad, I need to take my medication, I promise I will do it" and so on.  I want to change people's lives.

We have the power to prevent and reverse degenerative disease and cancer: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, diabetes, Crohn's disease, Celiac disease, cancer, MS, Fibromyalgia and obesity.  I know it's hard to believe when you turn on the T.V. and there's an advertisement discussing the health benefits of milk, or a "Happy Birthday American Cancer Society clip", or an advertisement on a new drug that can relieve IBS, or erectile disfunction, but the evidence is clear and true.  Eat the way we, as humans were designed to eat and SAVE YOUR LIFE.

The day I can help you transform your health and in turn transform your life is the day I have won the lottery.  Follow me...

Have a great weekend!