Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Monday, August 29, 2011

My Ears Are On Fire

Happy Monday!  I hope your week is off to a great start!

I had a wonderful day- it was beautiful outside too.  I had a difficult time trying to decide what to chat with you about tonight.  I have a zillion things on my mind.

It breaks my heart.... Day in and day out I hear things from my family members, friends and from people living their life in public.  I hear things like,"I am tired, I need a nap, I need another diet coke, my arthritis is flaring up, my chest hurts, I need to fill my prescription (s), my kids are sick again, my kid won't eat that, no I didn't eat breakfast and I'm still not hungry, I picked up some steaks that were on clearance,  I don't like water, I'm fat, I need to lose weight, I have heartburn, I have a hard time seeing, I forgot, I'm stressed, I am craving sugar and so on."  These statements are all connected- POOR DIET AND LIFESTYLE CHOICES.  

Achy bones, the constant need for a nap, cravings, taking prescription drugs, poor digestion, skin conditions, continual illnesses, heartburn/acid reflux, consistent edginess, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, eye problems, arthritis, being overweight, forgetfulness and stress are all red flags that should not be ignored.  All of these symptoms are, unfortunately, precursors to something greater like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc, if diet and lifestyle choices are not improved.  Most of us walk around thinking these "symptoms" are a normal part of aging, but they are truly not.  The Average American will put more thought into what type of fuel to put into their car than what type of food to put into their body.  Sure, there are some people who seem to eat whatever they want and they have no health related issues that they are aware of, but the preponderance of scientific data proves otherwise.  

The medical community has been trained to treat symptoms through the use drugs, but drugs in fact put a blanket over the real cause for these symptoms, so we are most likely still creating a haven for future illness.  There is also no sure way to tell what the short-term and long-term side effects of the drugs are.  Most of the medical community has very little training in the field of nutrition and lots of training from the Pharmaceutical companies on diagnosing and treating conditions with drugs.  They are also paid a commission on the drugs that they prescribe and who can miss the free lunches and goodies at the office. 

The word antibiotic means, "Against Life."  There is a time and place for medicine, but most conditions, including cancer and degenerative disease, can be prevented and reversed by consuming an optimal diet, a regular exercise program and by keeping stress under control.

Nighty, night.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why Am I Here With You

We all sadly lose the ones we love at some point in our lives.  Sometimes we feel that we lose someone all too soon.  Just like you, I have lost family and friends to cancer and degenerative disease.  I have waged through my own minor, yet annoying health wars.  And the saddest thing about it all... if I knew then what I know now things may have been quite different.  After years of personal research, a Certification as a Fitness Trainer, a degree in the field of Natural Health, a continual influence from alternative health practitioners and an eye-opening miscarriage, I am here with you today and tomorrow.  

I am very candid and at times I may say things that make you smile, things that make you laugh, things that make you cry, things that make you angry and things that you may not agree with.  I am open minded and I only want what is best for my family and for you, so again, that is why we are here, Well Beginnings.

I will say it again, and again, our diet and lifestyles choices will either save us, or kill us.  Most of us have been raised to believe that medicine is the answer to everything.  There is a drug for almost every condition.  We are constantly under the influence of the government and medical communities and it is my belief that we are completely brainwashed when it comes to truly knowing and understanding how our bodies work.  

The American Institute for Cancer Research reflects that 1 in 10 people were diagnosed with cancer in the 1930’s, 1 in 5 people in the 1970’s and today, 1 in 2 people.  Modern medicine is failing- we are not winning the war on cancer!  

Homeopathy, a more natural form of medicine, emerged in the early 1700's  thanks to its founder, Samuel Hahnemann.  By the early 1900’s, drug companies were releasing drugs that were easily administered and the profits were substantial and they are in the billions today.  Pharmaceutical companies play a role in developing treatments and diagnoses for patients, even more so than the doctors themselves.  Ask any doctor what percentage of their education was based on nutrition vs. the use of drugs.  The majority of them will tell you that they learned very little about nutrition.  

Our genes only account for a 2-3% likelihood that we will inherit a condition such as cancer, obesity, or high blood pressure.  We are in control of our health.  I know many people who have several family members who have numerous health issues and who will swear to you that they cannot control being overweight, but these families also have a few people who are in optimal condition, are healthy and physically fit.  

If I were to be in a horrible car accident and my body was mangled I would certainly want the best medicine and procedures available to mend me back to health.  There is most certainly a time and place for medicine, but it is not the answer for everything.  Through the use of natural medicine, natural supplementation, a plant-based diet and a healthy lifestyle we can prevent, reverse and turn back the pages of time with disease.  

I am here as a friend, a fitness instructor, a fertility and faith coach, a teacher and an expert in the field of health and nutrition.  Good night.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Hello Family, Friends and Newcomers!  As you know, this is my first blog, finally!  We shall see when the next one follows.

I feel driven to talk with you tonight.  Some exciting things have been happening over the last few days. 

I went to my parents for a family get together today and it was also their 34th wedding anniversary.  I enjoyed catching up with everyone and as I left, after already saying good-bye to everyone, I turned around and said, "I love you guys."  I missed them and I was not even out the door.  I felt moved.  Upon my arrival at home, I realized I was here with you for many reasons. Well Beginnings is here with you for many reasons and here I am writing my first blog.

Thank you God for the many things that you have blessed me with.  All things are possible with you.

To my husband who is the love of my life and the man of my dreams...  thank you for supporting me in everything that I do, for believing in me, for standing by me, for encouraging me and pushing me to be all that I am destined to be.

To my sweet, precious, angel... you are my world.  You make me want to be the best mommy I can be.  You teach me to laugh, to be patient and to live life with lots of energy!

To my parents, thank you for loving me unconditionally, raising me with all of the love in the world and sacrificing one thing after the next, so that I could have a blessed and fulfilling life.  

To my brother, my "little" buddy, who I love with all of my heart and soul... thank you for being the best brother and my friend.  

To my mother and father-in-law... thank you for loving and supporting me unconditionally, for making me feel as if I were your own daughter and for blessing me with such an amazing husband. 

To my Aunt C and Uncle P, thank you for your unconditional love, support, generosity, smiles, laughter and joyous times together.  I love you with all of my heart!

To Great Grandma GG, thank you for all of your love, support and for teaching me to depend on myself.  With you, I know all things are possible.  I love you!

To my family and friends, we create so many wonderful memories together...  You are thought of everyday, missed and wished the best the world has to give.  

To the many doctors and friends that have blessed me with your time and precious knowledge about health, nutrition, fitness, science and life.  

You all have such a special place in my heart.  As the sun rises and sets, I look forward to growing and learning together and I hope that I can be a blessing in your life, just as you are in mine.