Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Perfect Health

Perfect Health.  Is it a figment of the imagination?  While I will admit that I have not personally achieved a state of Perfect Health, just yet, I am well on my way.  98% of our health can be contributed to our mental state.  Toxic thoughts and toxic attitudes lead to toxic bodies.  "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."  The other 2% is diet and lifestyle.  There are SO MANY fad diets and supplements these days.  It is truly overwhelming and quite frustrating for many.  One diet may work for one person while it fails for another. Our bodies, while designed by the all-mighty Maker Himself, are very similar, but when it boils down to the chemical makeup of each individual there are some differences.  Those differences determine how we react to certain food, stressors in life, how well we sleep and how much sleep we need, what type of workouts are best and more.  We can work together to achieve balance with a personalized program.  Let me know when you are ready to get started!  To you and yours- have a blessed New Year 2015!  614-216-8078, Jenniefos@gmail.com

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Delaying the Introduction of Solids

It appalls me that doctors recommend, or support the consumption of any type of cereal, or grains in infancy. Babies simply cannot digest these foods until they are around 18 mos old. Early introduction of food, particularly grains, in infancy can lead to leaky gut, which then manifests itself into a slew of other problems like asthma, allergies, weakened immune system, inability to absorb nutrients, and extra weight gain. Many babies who are fed solids at an early age cannot digest the food, so it is simply stored as fat. Before trusting a doctor, it's best to do quality research before introducing solids. My children did not eat solids until they were one. They were strictly breastfed. They did not wake at night hungry. My first child woke at night b/c mommy didn't have her on a sleep routine at the time- Live and learn! If children are allowed the opportunity to truly feed themselves solid food when they are ready (not pureed, jarred baby food), they learn how to eat properly. They take time to chew their food and eat when they are hungry.

This is a great article from Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Breastfeeding and Solids

I've had a lot of questions lately regarding breastfeeding and solids.  The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for 2 years.  This is a win-win situation for the mother and child for many reasons.  Breast milk should still remain the dominant food/nutrient source for a child even once solids are introduced.  A child is ready for solids when they can feed themselves finger foods, typically close to the age of one.  At this age it is more about learning about food and experiencing it, learning good eating habits (vs. being fed pureed foods which typically results in being overfed), etc.  Babies aren't experts at limiting their consumption of pureed foods when fed, especially if it tastes yummy.  When solids are introduced too early the mother will almost always notice a reduction in milk supply and this can also set the child up for allergies and leaky gut.  Let me know if you want to talk more, or if you have any questions- concerns.  God Bless!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Time For A Spring Cleanse

How "In Tune" are you- with your own body?  Do you know how food affects you?  Do you feel a little more sluggish then normal, fatigued, foggy, need a nap, joints achy, nerves burning, skin breaking out, loose bowels, constipated, trouble sleeping, are you taking prescription medications, just finish a round or two of antibiotics, extra stressed, or you just don't feel like you have the energy that you did 5-7 years ago?  If you are consuming certain types of food on a regular basis: dairy, grains and processed foods, are just a few, you may not realize how they are affecting you.  Stress greatly affects the totality of our health as well.  We are entering the second week of Spring.  Now is the ideal time to do a cleanse, a detox to remove impurities and toxins from the body.  Planning on conceiving?  Cleansing the body and improving dietary and exercise habits 6-12 months prior to conception will greatly improve your odds of conception, as well as a healthy pregnancy, mommy and baby.  Pregnant, or nursing, children, older, or younger... with variation, everyone can make changes to improve their overall health.  Let's work together to achieve optimal wellness!

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Food Sensitivities In Children

Is your baby allergic, or does he/she have an intolerance to food proteins in your breast milk? Do you notice your baby hi-cupping in utero? This may be a sign that your baby is sensitive to food proteins that you are ingesting (dairy, eggs, nuts, soy and garlic are the biggest culprits). You may also notice that after birth the baby continues to have hiccups when those same foods are consumed (via breast milk, or formula for instance). Does your baby spit up? Both my children rarely spit up once I removed all forms of dairy from my diet. Does your baby have a hard time falling asleep, or staying asleep? They may be uncomfortable. A lot of children outgrow these sensitivities by age 5, or so. Breast milk is best for the first 12+ months, with no solids, as an infants digestive system is not capable of digesting all foods until they are around 18 months old. A child's immune system is not fully developed until they are around 12 and 70-80% of the immune system is gut related. Once solids are introduced, rotating foods and varying the diet (especially rotating foods that you notice that they are sensitive to desensitize the child) may prevent leaky gut syndrome and enhance immune strength and overall health. Let me know if you have more questions!

Tuesday, February 04, 2014


Hello Friends,

I am in the process of updating my site and I am working on some new articles.  Let me know if you have a question, or if you have a subject that you would me to cover.  Have a great week!

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Get Rid of That Chronic Runny Nose...

Do your kids seem to have a constant runny nose, re-occuring colds, irregular bowels, hard time sleeping, or are they wired... evaluate what they are eating. Parasites and yeast overgrowth could also be a culprit, both common in children and processed foods/sugary foods feed these two conditions...

Contact me for some direction!

Good article http://www.joelosteen.com/pages/article.aspx?h4tid=41