Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ode To My Hubby And So On

I feel moved to write about my hubby tonight.  He is simply the most amazing man and I am so blessed to have him in my life, as my husband.  He believes in me, he supports me and my decisions, he allows me to teach him all that I learn and know, he understands me and supports the healthy decisions that I make for my family, my loved ones and our friends, he is open minded and willing to listen to all that I am learning, he walks the walk and talks the talk, he provides for us, he is compassionate, funny, handsome, loving, a hard worker and a dreamer with goals to follow... the list goes on and on.

I have invested the last 6-7 years of my life changing my mind, changing the things I put into my mouth and the things I put onto my body (I don't put anything in my mouth- for the most part, that I wouldn't put in my body), changing the way I live, I have researched and studied, I have reached out and grabbed, I have frustrated and created happiness, I have empowered and motivated, I have inspired and conquered, I have fallen and risen, I have been tried and tested and I have stuck it all out to see the sunlight.  Good things are coming.

Today, I told my wonderful hubby, "I'm ready to move to Chicago," and he replied, "Let's go!"  Chicago currently houses the closest school enabling me to obtain my Ph.D. in the field of naturopathic medicine.  I have heard that a school may open in Ohio sometime over the 3-5 years enabling me to become a naturopathic doctor.  This is on my timeline... it may be something I truly pursue in the near future.

To many people I am "Just Jennie", but to others I am "Jennie, a go-to person when you are feeling tired, your skin is breaking out, your back hurts, your bowels are slow, you have high blood pressure, you have allergies, you have sleep issues, etc...a scientifically backed expert in the field of natural approaches to health and wellness."

Some of the simplest decisions you make in your life may in fact have the biggest impacts on your health and the health of your loved ones.  What you put into your mouth, the products you put onto your body, the items that you use to clean your home, the supplements and/or drugs that you consume, the people you associate with (you typically become who you associate with), stress levels, physical activity, the vaccines you receive, the water you drink... all of these things and more influence your health and how you feel everyday.  To many people, I may be full of crap, but it's practically impossible to be so when you can back up everything you say with a preponderance of scientific information- Ignorance is bliss!

Let me say it again... my husband supports me and believes in me and I love him more than he will ever know.  He doesn't make me feel like, "Just Jennie", but something much greater.  He pushes me and drives me to do what I am passionate about and to change the world one person at a time and one day at a time.

I love you!  Thank you!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Comparing Breastfeeding to Formula Feeding

Breastfeeding Benefits
-Breasts make milk for a reason
-Breastfeeding for at least the 1st yr
-Protective antibodies
-Breastmilk changes with infants needs and growth patterns
-Natural protection against gastrointestinal illnesses and issues
-Protection from allergies, asthma, ear infections, colds, flus, diabetes and constipation
-For every 87 deaths from sids, only 3 are breastfed
-Special proteins, only in human milk, allow the child to develop a higher IQ level
-Reduces risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cancer, etc
-Reduces stress of the mother and child, creates emotional balance
-Creates a bonding relationship between child and mother
-Milk coats and protects the digestive tract from harmful bacteria
-Reduced risk of obesity through life
-Hospitalization is 10 times less during the 1st year vs. formula fed children
-Breastmilk can kill off salmonella, streptococcus, e.coli and pneumococcus, etc
-Assists the uterus in contracting back to its normal, prepregnancy size
-Reduced risk of cancer to the mother
-Burns 400-1,000 calories a day assiting the mother to return to her normal weight 
-Delays return of fertility, natural conception protection
-Moms and babies are healthier, less trips to the doctors, saves money, etc
-Would save approximately 33 million a year if WIC babies were breastfed
-U.S. spends approximately 1 billion a year on ear infections... can be
prevented and treated naturally
-Breastfeeding reduces pollution- no need to manufacture, sell & toss out artificial milk
-Don't have to warm up breastmilk
-Aside from the mothers dietary choices during pregnancy, best nutritional start and
protection life can provide
-Can easily breastfeed anywhere, anytime

Formula Feeding (comparing to the above benefits of breastfeeding)
-Child is adopted & breastfeeding is not an option
-Mother is not producing any breast milk
-$1,500-$2,000 a year
-No protective antibodies
-Formulas are man made, providing chosen nutrients
-Processed milk may not be as protective
-Little to no protection
-Formula is far from being the perfect food
-Needs to be warmed up
-Need warm water, bottles, formula, water, etc

Great Resources:

Monday, April 09, 2012

Formula By Prescription Only

Breasts were created for two reasons: to breastfeed milk, nourish, protect and provide comfort to a child for so long as the mother and child are willing to breastfeed (typically 1-5 years) and for appearance reasons, or to attract the member of the opposite sex, a man.

In my opinion, the only reason a mother should "choose" not to breastfeed is if the child is adopted and she is unable to do so and if for some reason the mother is unable to produce breastmilk.  The health of the mother 6 months to a year prior to conception, the dietary choices and lifestyle choices during pregnancy and after birth all assist in the production of a healthy milk supply in the mother.

Dairy needs to be eliminated from every diet, as it promotes a tremendous amount of health issues: diabetes, allergies, weakened immune strength, cancer, crohn's disease, celiac disease, etc... There are numerous credible books and articles written on dairy and the fact that we as humans were not designed to consume it.

It is my opinion that formula should be available by prescription only and it should not be a dairy based formula, but plant based.  I remember attending MY FIRST pregnancy visit when I was pregnant with my daughter.  During that visit I received a free Similac bag with a formula sample.  I also received additional information and coupons on a variety of other formulas.  After the birth of my daughter I again received a bag with formula samples and information.  Wow- so misleading and confusing to an expecting mother who does not know the benefits of breastfeeding vs. formula feeding.  I was so very thankful that I knew the benefits of breastfeeding vs. formula feeding and there was no way in the world that I was going to feed my baby cow's milk!

Below I have attached a paper that I wrote while obtaining my degree in the field of natural health.  I was going to cut things out here and there and I decided just to post the entire article....

Despite the culture, country or religion of a woman, mother-nature intended for
women to breastfeed their babies.  Aristotle stated it best, “There is a reason behind
everything in nature.” (pg 15)  The obvious reason to breastfeed is based upon the abundant scientific evidence that clearly shows how mother’s milk is best.  We also cannot dismiss the numerous benefits provided to the baby during childhood and adulthood.  For many years there has been controversy over breast feeding vs. formula feeding.  Working mothers decide whether or not they will breast feed or bottle feed their children.  The decision should be simple if they base their decisions on the facts and value the health of their child and the health of their own bodies.
            Years ago, women did not have an option as to whether or not they would
breastfeed.  It was a natural and un-thought of process.  The turn of the 20th
century provided the ability to refrigerate, pasteurize and modify cow’s milk for infant
consumption.  The world welcomed the birth of formula and mothers lost out on the
emotional, intellectual and physical enjoyment with their baby.  The lactation process causes the uterus to contract, shrinking it back to its normal size at a faster rate.  It also allows the mother to burn a hefty amount of calories so she can return to a normal weight.  “Human milk for human babies,” says it all.
The milk of each kind of mammal is unique in order to specifically support its
young.  Human milk contains around 100 ingredients that are not found in cow’s
milk and it is the only milk that contains enzymes to aid in digestion.  In fact, human milk contains so many different properties that it is still not full understood by scientists today.  The protein found in human milk is 100% absorbable by the baby, whereas only 50% or less of the protein in cow’s milk is absorbable.  Furthermore, cow’s milk is not easily passed through the baby’s digestive tract.  A calf doubles its weight in 50 days and is consuming milk with a base of 3.4% protein.  A human baby, however, doubles its weight in 150 days and is consuming breast milk with a base of 1% protein.  Humans produce a less concentrated milk, therefore babies feed more often.  Human milk also contains more carbohydrates than any other milk and is therefore the baby’s main source of energy.  To date, there is no evidence stating that a baby has ever had an allergic reaction to breast milk.  Research does prove that there are unlimited health benefits to breast feeding. 
When a mother chooses to consume a healthy diet during pregnancy and breastfeed her baby, the baby tends to enjoy healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables. They initially develop a familiarity of taste and scent via the amniotic fluid, and this is later enhanced through the mother’s breast milk.  Formula-fed babies miss out on this huge advantage.  Breastfed babies have fewer visits to the doctor’s office for common ailments such as diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders, rashes, respiratory infections and illness.  When they do happen to become ill it is less severe, and they recover faster.  The American Academy of Pediatrics shows that breastfed babies may have increased bone density, enhanced vision and neurological advantages, less risk for various diseases in adulthood, and a lower risk for bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma during childhood. The milk contains immunoglobulin, which is an antibody against pathogens.  These antibodies line the baby's respiratory and intestinal surfaces to form a protective barrier against bacteria and viruses.  This is yet another benefit of which formula-fed babies lose out.
            Some mothers have a difficult time breastfeeding and resort to bottle feeding.
Formula-fed babies grow differently than breastfed babies—they grow longer and fatter and develop bigger and heavier bones in the 1st year due to a larger supply of calcium in cow’s milk.  As a result, they grow faster than mother-nature intends, which is not necessarily good.  Babies that are breastfed typically have higher cholesterol levels than those that consume formula.  Studies suggest that higher levels of cholesterol early in life may aid in the ability to metabolize cholesterol better during adulthood.  Research also states that the earlier an infant is exposed to cow’s milk the greater the risk of developing allergies and numerous other health issues in the future.
Health care experts project that if mothers were to breastfeed for just 12 weeks after pregnancy, the infant mortality rate would decline by almost 5%.  Furthermore, not a single manufacturer will state that formula is better than or as beneficial as breast milk.  The Industries’ goals are clearly not in favor of the mother and child; rather, their priorities lie with the bottom-line.  Speaking from experience as a previous employee of one of the largest formula manufactures of formula, the primary message is, “Sell, Sell, Sell!” with little mention of formula’s inferiority to mothers milk.  This is best described with the following excerpt from Milk, Money, and Madness, “It was no longer a goal to produce solely for sick infants or for times when mothers milk was not available; the goal grew to producing a product that could replace mothers milk on every square inch of the globe.”  (Pg. 113) 
Today, many busy moms, otherwise capable of breastfeeding, unwisely and/or selfishly choose formula over breastfeeding.  A mother’s complications with breast feeding are sometimes a direct result of a poor diet and/or a lack of exercise.   This problem is further exacerbated by the formula Industry’s move to provide product samples to local OBGYN offices for distribution to expectant mothers, which creates an “either-or” decision instead of an “in case of” solution.   Long before expectant mothers have had the opportunity to research the benefits of breast feeding they are inundated with mail coupons and advertisements for formula as well as the “latest and greatest” product samples.  Mothers are misled and suckered into the lie.  The health benefits associated with breastfeeding are clear and scientifically proven.  In a perfect world formula companies would start investing their money in educating mothers on the importance of breastfeeding and achieving optimal lifestyle habits rather than ignorantly persuading all mothers to feed their babies unsuitable milk. 

Eiger M.D., S.E., & Olds, S.W.  (1999).  The complete book of breastfeeding.   
New York:  Workman.
Baumslag M.D. M.P.H., N., & Michels, D. (1995).  Milk, money, and madness: The culture and politics of breastfeeding. Connecticut:  Bergin & Garvey.  

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter

I hope that you, your family and friends had a blessed Easter.  Our Easter was a little different... we went out to dinner and I will say that we will most likely never do it again.  There is something about cooking your own food, those special dishes you may only have around the holidays and there is nothing like enjoying them with the fam.

Take care and have a wonderful week!