Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Updating Profile

Hello dear friends! I will be updating my profile and the site here soon, so hang in there with me please... Just some small changes. Thanks for your support!

With love,

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Understanding A Child's Stage of Life- Kapha

I have heard many parents address their concerns lately regarding their children's health. Repeated illnesses, sinus issues, trouble sleeping, lack of appetite and lymphatic congestion are just a handful of the symptoms that have been mentioned.  The overuse of antibiotics, lack of probiotics during the use of antibiotics, improper diet and lifestyle habits all contribute to health issues.  I have two young children and I have by no means perfected anything, nor will I ever, as life happens, but there are two things in my book that are FLAWLESS and unchanging.  1. God's word says in Ephesians 4:16, "He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love."  The whole body, "The Temple", works together perfectly when cared for properly.  If there is an imbalance, a symptom, or something wrong there are many reasons as to why this could be occurring.  This DOES NOT mean that there is something wrong with the person, or an organ/tissue in this matter.  2. The science of Ayurveda is the oldest paradigm of health.  It has been in use for over 5,000 years.

I personally feel that there is a time and place for modern medicine, but in almost all instances like a viral/bacterial infection, the flu and even cancer, yes, I said cancer, a clean diet and natural remedies/supplementation are typically much more effective.  Why?  It gets to the "ROOT" cause. Mark my word... take your pick, ask any medical doctor what they learned in school and I am certain that they will mention very little about diet, nutrition and lifestyle.  They were educated on the "TREATMENT" of health related issues with medicine, PERIOD.  They have very little knowledge on preventing the ailments that plague the nation today from Celiac disease, high blood pressure, the common cold and cancer.  In order to obtain this kind of knowledge they must pursue an additional education in a wellness based field like functional medicine, "Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms"  (https://www.functionalmedicine.org/about/whatisfm/#sthash.i9jZDoZq.dpuf).  I have personally experienced the failures of modern medicine time and time again and I have seen people rise above with prayer, faith and natural medicine.  The pharmaceutical industry has not improved health.  I cannot tell you of a single person who has been cured of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fibromyalgia, or sinus issues through the use of modern medicine.  Marcia Angell, MD, a Harvard professor of medicine and former editor of the famed New England Journal of Medicine, wrote, "Over the past two decades the pharmaceutical industry has moved very far from its original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs ... Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers, and the medical profession itself. (Levi, 2006)."  I realize that this may appear to have very little to do with a child's stage of life, but the fact is that it has a lot to do with a child's life.  How many of us rush to the doctor when our child tugs on their ears, easily accepts a prescription for antibiotics when recommended and simply accepts the MD'S word as the final say?  There are other options that work.

According to the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, children are in the Kapha stage of life from birth to around age 17.  This means that they make mucous for a living!  Children need to consume a very well-balanced, whole-foods diet with real food.  Whole grains, freshwater fish, organic chicken/turkey, lentils/beans, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds and their butters, olive oil, ghee and coconut oil are some of the foods that are wholesome and nourishing for growing children. There are exceptions when one food, or another may need to be removed from the diet for a period of time, for instance, if there is evidence of a food allergy, or sensitivity.  

Children have immature immune systems, therefore, they do not process toxins well.  Because of this, they accumulate toxins very easily at young ages.  Pesticides and herbicides, along with the slew of other environmental pollutants present themselves as toxins in the body.  Therefore, be sure to reference the offending list below in order to get a gage on which fruits and vegetables should be purchased organic.  Also opt for organic chicken/turkey, local eggs and dairy (if well tolerated). Freshly steamed veggies like peas, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes and asparagus are some nutrient-dense veggies that kids love.  Prepare these foods with ghee as often as possible, as it is loaded with vitamins A and D , omegas, and more.  

Cold foods and drinks are some of the biggest offenders throughout life, however, they are especially a poor choice for children.  You see, eating cold food and drinks puts out the digestive "fire".  Ice, ice cream, cold milk with cereal and are a big no-no.  This is especially important during cold weather months.  Choose room temperature or warm beverages.  Opt for hot meals and soups over cold sandwiches and smoothies.  Cold foods like ice cream are fine as an occasional treat during the summer, but should be avoided during cooler months.  

Dairy milk should ALWAYS be boiled before consuming.  Boiling milk breaks down the dairy proteins making it easier to digest.  Simply bring it to a boil for 5 minutes with a sliver of ginger.  It can also be spiced with a pinch of turmeric, or cardamon.  Modern dairy, however, is VERY difficult to digest, as cows are fed improperly and pumped with antibiotics which pass through to their milk, so this makes for a very different product that is very hard to digest.  It creates excess mucous and clogs the lymphatic system.  You may find that you benefit from drinking goats milk, almond milk, rice milk, or hemp milk instead.  Goat milk is much easier to digest than cows milk because they are not raised improperly and the composition of the milk is different.  You must still boil goats milk, however, to break down the proteins for easier digestion.  

Yogurt has been viewed as an amazing health food.  It does help to clean the digestive tract and restore balance, but due to it's thick nature it can cause mucous formation. If you enjoy yogurt and seem to digest it well it is best served as a lassi in which it is diluted with water and spices.  You can also mix it with kefir, a drinkable yogurt, or have kefir in place of yogurt. Kefir helps to colonize the digestive tract with good bacteria.  It is best to opt for plain yogurt/kefir, or products sweetened with stevia, or honey. Sugar suppresses the immune system. Yogurt/kefir is best served at lunch when digestion is strongest.  Digestion slows at night, so dairy should be limited then to avoid congestion.  

Dry foods like crackers, granola and chips can aggravate the body.  The body seeks hydration and these foods are counterproductive. Granola can be consumed with warm milk and a small amount of ghee.  Chips can be consumed with a healthy fat like guacamole.  Again, consume these foods in moderation, as chips are not health foods, but these suggestions will help you to digest the food better when consumed.  

Wheat is mentioned in the bible and is a very healthy grain, however, wheat is very hard to digest today because most of it is genetically modified.  If you can locate products that are certified GMO Free, organic and sprouted then you may not have trouble digesting wheat. This is why there has been a rise of digestive related issues like Celiac, Crohn's and diverticulitis, fibromyalgia, etc. Opt for gluten free grains if you suspect a food sensitivity.  Buckwheat, amaranth, millet, quinoa, gluten free oats, rice and teff are some options.  Most of them are very nutrient dense as well.  

Eating fruit alone is wise.  Fruit is digested very differently from other foods. Eating some cooked fruits like apples, or raisins with other foods is o.k. from time to time.  The sugars in the other foods that you consume, such as grains (glucose), digest quickly and when the fructose is consumed through the consumption of fruit it slows down digestion, causes fermentation (bad bacterial growth) in the gut and can lead to the storage of fat. 

Basic kitchen spices like cumin, coriander/cilantro, cardamon, ginger and fennel can be added to food in small amounts to aid in digestion.  These herbs enhance nutrient absorption, support gastrointestinal health, detoxify the lymphatic system and more.

Basic supplements like a whole food multivitamin, fermented cod liver/butter oil (the butter oil carries the nutrients to the organs and tissues of the body), vitamin d, particularly during the winter, a quality probiotic and a jar of chywanprash (on hand) is a good start for children. Now, this is not to say that all kids need these things, especially if their well-informed and educated doctor recommends otherwise, but most doctors would recommend some if not all of these items.  Our soils have not really been depleted of vitamins, but they have been shown to be low in minerals.  I prefer whole food multi's, as they are better utilized by the body.

Sitting down for a meal is SO IMPORTANT.  The body simply cannot digest food if we are walking around, standing, talking, or upset/agitated while eating.  Aim to eat at the same times everyday, so that your bodies digestion can be primed and ready for your meal.  Eat in a calm environment and chew your food well.  Take a few sips of warm water with your meal to aid in digestion, but DO NOT drink large quantities of fluids, as this dilutes your digestive enzymes and makes it more difficult to break down food.  Children can drink 4-8oz of water 15-30 minutes prior to eating to hydrate the digestive system.  If that is a challenge you can go ahead and serve water with meals to assure that do stay hydrated, but make sure it is room temperature to warm.

Children should have at least 20-30 minutes of active time on most days.  They can dance, ride bikes, skip, do jumping jacks, watch exercise videos appropriate for their age, set up challenges like jumping over pillows, or running around toys.  Get creative and have fun!  Exercise releases "feel good hormones"and it increases blood and oxygen flow throughout the body, which in turn helps the body to detoxify.  They will sleep better too!

Having a regular bedtime routine and set bedtime is important.  Children, grow and cleanse while they sleep.  An earlier bedtime, around 7-8pm and an earlier wake-up time, around 6-7am is best. (see site below for more information, good friend of mine... :-)

Emotional and spiritual happiness is vital as well.  We all know that children are like sponges.  They remember what they see and hear.  We must protect their minds and guard their hearts.  Appropriate T.V. shows and movies, music and the environment that children are exposed to all shape and mold a child's mindset and personality.  They need to feel and see genuine love, peace, patience and feel secure. 

If you are interested in more information I would be glad to speak with you, or work with you.  Dr. John Douillard, Dr. Anup Kanodia, Dr. Ryan Bently, Dr. Hari Sharma, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Kulreet Chaudry are all well-renowned and trusted doctors with some great articles on the above topics.  

With Love,

Supportive Articles:
1. http://www.lifespa.com/how-much-meat-is-right-for-you/
_you_should_buy_organic).3. (http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/09/25/ghee-benefits_n_5883174.html).
4. (http://drhyman.com/blog/2010/06/24/dairy-6-reasons-you-should-avoid-it-at-all-costs-2/) 
5. (http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/gmo-foods-cause-gut-damage/) 
6. (http://www.mapi.com/ayurvedic-knowledge/childrens-health/childrens-digestive-health.html#gsc.tab=0)
7. http://lifespa.com/can-fruit-make-you-fat/
8. (http://lifespa.com/why-do-kids-make-mucus-for-a-living/) 
9. http://lifespa.com/minerals-you-are-probably-deficient/
10. http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/feeding-eating/family-nutrition/sugar/harmful-effects-excess-sugar
11. http://sleeplicity.com/