Mission Statement

"Baby yourself with Well Beginnings. From conceiving to teething and everything in between. Concentrating on a holistic approach to conception, pregnancy, motherhood and family wellness. At Well Beginnings, we will focus on the body's innate ability to heal and live in whole health. As a faith based business, we will help you to become mentally, physically and spiritually fit."

Monday, February 04, 2013

The Miracle of Childbirth, a response from a reader...

Response from reader: I do agree with all if this but the part referring to labor. All 3 of mine have been completely painful and terrible. And the recovery from my c-section was less than normal. All 3 of my kids messed up their umbilical cords. My first it was pinched between his shoulders and my pelvic bone and was cutting off his oxygen supply- so his heart rate plummeted and I had to have a c-section (after 18 hours of painful labor). Then my second I was able to v-bac but his cord was wrapped around his neck and he had to go to nicu. I very painfullyI labored with him for 12 hours. My 3rd had a know in his cord. Although I was only in hard labor for 8 hours- it was far more intense and painful than other 2. I don't think it's possible to have it be painless. My cousin had her first child naturally without problems but couldn't do that for her next 2 because it was too painful. I think it truly depends on how your nerves are wired and body adjusts. With that being said- I agree you must take care of yourself in pregnancy as much if not more than non pregnant. I'm 6 months pregnant with my 4th and working out and doing kickboxing and I feel a million times better than the other 3. I'm praying it helps with labor but I think my nerves are just wired to give high pain.

My response: Hi - - - ! Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your 4th- wow, exciting! I'm sorry to hear that your laboring has been difficult for you. Trust me when I say that I know most, if not all women would agree with you more so than me.  I was pregnant with my first child and miscarried. Shortly after, I was led to and enlightened by an amazing book called Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize. It was through this book and by the grace of God that I changed my mentality towards pregnancy and labor. I will agree with Jackie Mize when I say this, we are SO programmed to believe that labor is supposed to be a painful process, so we walk into the situation only expecting pain, long labor and more and that's what we get, but if we in fact reprogram our minds to agree with the word of God, that we can have an amazing, pain free, quick, natural childbirth and we live in faith throughout the whole process that to it what we can get. We can overcome the many things we have been led to believe with regards to pregnancy and labor by the media and most doctors. I would imagine that it may be a bit challenging to believe everything that I am saying after having 3 difficult labors, but again, I have done it and everything is possible when we believe and have Faith. Good luck to you and yours in the coming days!!!! Thanks again for sharing!

Response from reader: Thank you for sharing and I am so sorry to hear that you had to experience the heartbreak if a miscarriage.  I can only imagine how hard that must have been. I will definitely check that book out! I would love to have a better experience this time around and I'm praying it can be so.

My response: My pleasure - - -! I appreciate your thoughtfulness about the miscarriage and although it came as a shock, again, I don't mean to sound heartless, but it happened for a reason. My husband and I personally know why it happened and we were also then led to something so much more amazing... I can only pray for the same for you. 


A family member posted this on Facebook and had to share!  Thanks Joy!

Bring Me your weakness, and receive My Peace. Accept yourself and your circumstances just as they are, remembering that I am sovereign over everything. Do not wear yourself out with analyzing and planning. Instead, let thankfulness and trust be your guides through this day; they will keep you close to Me. As you live in the radiance of My Presence, My Peace shines upon you. You will cease to notice how weak or strong you feel, because you will be focusing on Me. The best way to get through this day is step by step with Me. Continue this intimate journey, trusting that the path you are following is headed for heaven.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

The Miracle of Childbirth

"Take it easy, do you think you'll go early, try to take a nap when you can, the last 8 weeks must be the hardest, are you going to be induced if your late, does your back hurt, are your ankles swollen, are you having any cravings, are you going to get an epidural, did you have morning sickness and so on..." Blah, blah, are you tired of hearing this?

These are some of the many things that we hear as a pregnant woman.  We prayed and believed that we would have a healthy, happy pregnancy and a baby girl first and a healthy, happy, pregnancy with a baby boy this time...testimony #2. When we trust in God and have the Faith that he will bless us and provide for us in every way he will.

I still jog, lift weights and do many of the activities I did prior to being pregnant.  Sure, I don't sprint, or lift super heavy weights, I take it a little easier, but I still enjoy the same things.  I rest when I'm tired, but if we eat right, exercise and get adequate sleep at night, we shouldn't really need to nap, there is nothing difficult about being pregnant- - -it's all a matter of caring for your body, your growing baby and Trusting and having the Faith that God will provide you with a healthy, happy, blessed, uncomplicated, wonderful, natural pregnancy and labor.

Why do women get induced?  Do they think the baby is going to get stuck in there?  The baby decides when they are ready to come out... when they are done cookin`.  God knows what he's doing.

Women are supposed to have their babies vaginally.  Who simply schedules a c-section....???  God knows what he is doing.

We are destined to have a healthy, happy, wonderful, energetic, uncomplicated pregnancy and a natural, un-medicated, painless, quick, vaginal birth without any complications.  To the modern world and EVERY woman I talk to that sounds ludicrous and they look at me as if I'm insane.  But guess what my friends?  I've done it and I'm doing it again- we prayed and believed we'd have a baby boy and we are in our 33rd week of pregnancy with him.

And 40 weeks is 40 weeks for a reason...  God knows what he is doing.

So here's to you and a healthy, happy, safe, blessed, uncomplicated pregnancy and birth.  Make it happen and have Faith!

Saturday, February 02, 2013


"I Look Challenge In The Eye And SMILE AS I CRUSH IT!"

Talk to you soon...